The effect of performance-based financing on maternal healthcare use in Burundi: a two-wave pooled cross-sectional analysis

Rudasingwa, Martin, Soeters, Robert and Basenya, Olivier. 2017. "The effect of performance-based financing on maternal healthcare use in Burundi: a two-wave pooled cross-sectional analysis". Global Health Action. 10.

Combining Theory-Driven Evaluation and Causal Loop Diagramming for Opening the ‘Black Box’ of an Intervention in the Health Sector: A Case of Performance-Based Financing in Western Uganda

Renmans, Dimitri, Nathalie Holvoet, and Bart Criel. 2017. "Combining Theory-Driven Evaluation and Causal Loop Diagramming for Opening the ‘Black Box’ of an Intervention in the Health Sector: A Case of Performance-Based Financing in Western Uganda". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14 (9).

Verification of Performance in Results-Based Financing: The Case of Community and Demand-Side RBF in Rwanda.

Renaud, Adrien; Semasaka, Jean-Paul. 2014. Verification of Performance in Results-Based Financing: The Case of Community and Demand-Side RBF in Rwanda. HNP discussion paper; World Bank, Washington, DC. © World Bank.