Performance-based financing contributes to the resilience of health services affected by the Liberian Ebola outbreak.

Mussah, V. G., Mapleh, L., Ade, S., Harries, A. D., Bhat, P., Kateh, F., & Dahn, B. (2017). Performance-based financing contributes to the resilience of health services affected by the Liberian Ebola outbreak. Public health action, 7(Suppl 1), S100–S105

Financial and other rewards for good performance or results: a guided tour of concepts and terms and a short glossary. Results-Based Financing for Health

Musgrove, Philip. "Financial and other rewards for good performance or results: a guided tour of concepts and terms and a short glossary. Results-Based Financing for Health. The World Bank, Washington." Center for Global Development, World Bank, Washington, DC (2010): 1-33.