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In 2010, the World Bank approved a US$220 million loan for a Local Government and Decentralization project in Indonesia. The project aims to improve the accountability and reporting of the central government’s Specific Purpose Grants (DAK). Piloted in four infrastructure sub-sectors—irrigation, roads, sanitation, and water— the project is the World Bank’s first to apply innovative Output-Based Aid (OBA) design principles on a large scale to target improvements in inter-governmental fiscal transfers.

Strengthening Fiscal Transfers in Indonesia Using an Output-Based Approach (461.21 KB)
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Sejak tahun 1998, penyediaan air bersih di Jakarta telah dikelola oleh pihak pemegang konsesi. Namun investasi untuk perluasan jaringan pipa air bersih telah mengalami hambatansebagai dampak krisis keuangan di Asia. Akibatnya masih banyak masyarakat terutama rumahtangga miskin, belum  memperoleh sambungan air perpipaan baik secara individual maupun kelompok.

oba38 Jakarta water bahasa (563.97 KB)
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Municipal solid waste management (MSW) is a crucial service provided by cities around the world, but is often inefficient and underperforming in developing countries. Low-income countries face the most acute challenges with solid waste management, with cities collecting less than half the waste stream and less than half of that amount processed to minimum standards.

Results-Based Financing for Municipal Solid Waste (3.76 MB)
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This handbook provides guidance for Indonesian National Government Internal Auditor (BPKP) team in the field on conducting the verification of outputs for the Government of Indonesia Specific Purpose Grants (DAK) infrastructure. This handbook is created as part of collaboration between the Ministry of Public Works and the BPKP at the central level, to improve the effectiveness of BPKP technical verification. It describes all the basic infrastructure objects that are financed by DAK transfer at the local governments.
Infrastructure Verification Handbook: Good and Bad Illustration of Infrastructuture (6.65 MB)
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In 2010 the World Bank approved a US$220 million loan for a Local Government and Decentralization project in Indonesia. The project aims to improve the accountability and reporting of the central government’s Specific Purpose Grants (DAK). Piloted in four infrastructure sub-sectors—irrigation, roads, sanitation, and water—the project is the World Bank’s first to apply innovative Output-Based Aid (OBA) design principles on a large scale to target improvements in inter-governmental fiscal transfers.

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A South-South Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Leveraging Performance-Based Financing and Accountability for Local Governments was held in New Delhi on 9 May 2017 and in Kolkata on 10-11 May 2017. The Workshop brought together over fifty leaders, senior government functionaries, and international and national experts and policy analysts to consider and deliberate on selected performance-based financing and accountability improvement initiatives in five Asian countries, namely: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka in the larger context of global and regional decentralization.
South-South Knowledge Exchange Workshop (New Delhi-Kolkata) (7.37 MB)