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The city of Mumbai has over 6 million slum dwellers, a large number of whom do not have access to legal electrical connections. The Improved Electricity Access project was a pilot project that sought to increase access to safe electricity supply in urban slums in Mumbai through targeted output-based subsides. The pilot focused on select slums within Mumbai, but had the potential for scale-up in other communities in Mumbai and across India.  

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Providing safe drinking water to poor families in the coastal area of Andhra Pradesh is critical for the economic development of the region as well as to improve health and living conditions.
OBApproaches21 IndiaWater (702.96 KB)
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For years, in the rural coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh, there were no alternatives to the highly contaminated tap water from government-owned piped water systems, which were poorly operated and maintained. 

In May 2007, the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) launched an output-based aid (OBA)  scheme to improve the quality of and access to safe water in coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh (AP), India. The project set out to deliver 25 water purification plants, improving access to clean water for 75,000 people.

LL02 Andra Pradesh (724.29 KB)
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In 2009, the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) approved a pilot project for $1.6 million with the objective of increasing access to safe electricity supply in Indian slums through targeted output-based subsides.
Challenges in Formalizing the Supply of Electricity in Mumbai’s Slums (172.59 KB)