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OBApproaches 43

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The report, spanning the fiscal year of 2012 (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012), reviews progress towards achieving the Program’s goals of designing and implementing OBA pilot projects, building a Center of Expertise, piloting other results-based approaches, and communicating with the development community.

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OBApproaches 44
Using Output Based Aid in Urban Projects (1.95 MB)
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This year marks a milestone for GPOBA, commemorating 10 years since its founding. Over the past decade, through a diverse portfolio of 36 projects, GPOBA is fulfilling its mandate to fund, design, demonstrate, and document output-based aid (OBA) approaches to improve delivery of basic services to the poor in developing countries. To date, GPOBA has provided nearly 5.9 million poor beneficiaries with access to energy, water, sanitation, telecommunications, health, and education.
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This working paper has been prepared as backgound documentation to support a number of efforts being undertaken by the World Bank and other multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors in middle- and low-income countries linking support to clean energy with the need to make such supports more effective at leveraging the private sector and more focused on delivering sustainable services to low income consumers. 

Lessons From Output-Based Aid For Leveraging Finance For Clean Energy (771.78 KB)
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This booklet includes the two-day conference agenda and presenters' bios.

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This publication served as a guide to GPOBA's 10th Anniversary Conference participants, providing them with a brief but complete overview of GPOBA's activities, There are pages with more detailed information for each of the top three sectors (water, energy, health) and one for the remaining sectors (solid waste management, sanitation, education, ICT). The sector brief also looks at 10 case studies detailing GPOBA's involvement, demonstrating the application of OBA approaches across sectors and its flexibility to adapt to different operating environments.

A Decade of Supporting the Delivery of Basic Services for the Poor (Sector Brief) (6.02 MB)
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Sub-Saharan Africa trails other regions in providing access to electricity for poor urban and rural residents. This poor performance can be linked to various factors, including political interference in utility policy, higher investment costs and lower profitability of extending service to rural areas. But a major obstacle to wider access is the high charges consumers must pay to connect to the electricity network. The connection charges in Sub-Saharan Africa are among the highest in the world, which has resulted in low rates of electrification in many countries.

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A Guide to Results-Based Financing in Water Investments
Given the broad array of issues and the complexity faced by the water sector as a whole (from irrigation to flood protection, to water conservation and hydropower), there is a great demand for future exploring the potential of RBF and tacklikng the questions still unanswered about many of its operational dimensions.