Country ISO2
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This activity supported the development of a results-based performance-grant framework to improve the Karachi metropolitan area’s institutional capacity to deliver critical municipal services. It also supported citywide strategic investments in integrated stormwater drainage and municipal solid waste management (SWM). These are components of the World Bank-financed Karachi Urban Management Project (KUMP).  

The $230m CLiCK project was approved with the timeline of mid-2019 to mid-2024 and consisted of four components: performance-based grants, property tax administration, city competitiveness, solid waste management.

This activity supported embedding RBF into the administration of performance grants to Karachi local councils' (Component 1) proposed strategic improvements in solid waste management (Component 4). A system of citizen feedback in the course of provision of basic services was among the RBF triggers.

As solid waste management has emerged as a strong priority in Karachi (Pakistan's largest city with close to 20 million people), the government of Sindh province requested a separate World Bank lending operation for the collection, transfer, and safe disposal of solid waste for which GPRBA provided support. This activity was extended from October 2019 to May 2020 to cover early-stage implementation. The technical notes on performance-based block grant and solid waste management that informed the CLiCK operation were finalized while a knowledge note documenting "lessons learned" and replicability to other metropolitan areas were made available for review and dissemination.