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Honduras has achieved a reasonable level of access to water supply and sanitation, but gaps in coverage remain, especially in rural and peri-urban areas. To help the Government of Honduras achieve universal coverage and improve service quality to low-income households, GPOBA funded an output-based aid facility. To be eligible for funding from the OBA facility, projects must meet specific criteria and payments are made against verifiable results.

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Honduras has achieved a reasonable level of access to water supply and sanitation, but gaps in coverage remain, especially in rural and peri-urban areas, and service quality for those with access is often poor.

To help the Government of Honduras achieve universal coverage and improve service quality, the Global Partnershipon Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) is funding a project to test the viability of an innovative output-based aid mechanism for financing water and sanitation services.

OBA29 Honduras (414.61 KB)
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Le Honduras assure à ses habitants un accès raisonnable à l’eau et à l’assainissement, mais cette desserte n’est pas universelle, en particulier dans les zones rurales et périurbaines, et les services fournis sont souvent de piètre qualité.

Pour aider le Gouvernement du Honduras à servir l’ensemble de la population et améliorer la qualité des prestations, le Partenariat mondial pour l’aide basée sur les résultats (GPOBA) finance un projet destiné à tester la viabilité d’un mécanisme novateur de financement des services d’approvisionnement en eau et d’assainissement.