Country ISO2
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This  TA  supports  research  to  determine  the feasibility    of    using    OBA    mechanism    for delivering     sustainable     water     services     in Ndjamena  and  the  secondary  cities  of  Sahr, Abéché, and Mondou. It is delivered along the IDA grants of $15.1 million and $12.3 million as additional financing.

As reported in the previous semi-annual monitoring report, the feasibility work was successfully completed but the IDA operation, along which an OBA grant was planned to be prepared was canceled. 

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Despite Chad's recent debut as an oil exporter, its people rank among the world's poorest. Large parts of the country are left in extreme isolation by the lack of a backbone road network that is passable year-round. To tackle the poor internal integration, the government formulated the National Transport Program in 1999. And to address the need for sustainable road maintenance, it started a pilot project that moves from traditional input-based planning and contracting of maintenance to the more output-based approach known as performance-based maintenance and management of roads (PMMR).

OBA02 Chad (140.48 KB)