Country ISO2

GPRBA is supporting its first irrigation project, designed to help small-scale farmers stabilize production and to stave off the challenges of drought and excessive rainfall due to climate change.


The IFC and World Bank partnered with GPRBA to improve irrigation management and water provision for small-scale cotton farmers in Burkina Faso.

After an especially dry season in Burkina Faso, 33-year-old Kakuy Ouanko, a father of three, is contemplating giving up farming. “We probably won’t be able to feed the family,” he says while walking through his dry cotton field. Kakuy’s experience is similar to that of other cotton farmers in Burkina Faso, who are vulnerable to the threats of climate change.



Communiqué de Presse


Projet d’accès à l’irrigation pour la culture du coton au Burkina Faso

au titre du projet d’appui à l’initiative pour l’irrigation au Sahel

OUAGADOUGOU. 1 mai 2018. Environ 1 000 petits producteurs de coton sont ciblés pour recevoir un soutien financier pour des investissements dans la gestion des terres et de l'eau et sur les nouveaux systèmes d'irrigation. Dans le cadre de l'Initiative d'irrigation du Sahel (financée par la Banque Mondiale), le gouvernement Burkinabé a signé le 21 février 2018 un accord de subvention avec la Banque Mondiale pour un financement de US$ 5,85 millions provenant du Partenariat Mondial pour l'Aide Basée sur les Résultats (GPOBA).

L'objectif est de soutenir les petits producteurs de coton dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement de la Société Burkinabé des Fibres Textiles (SOFITEX) pour améliorer la productivité au champ et mieux faire face aux précipitations extrêmes liées au changement climatique. La Société Financière Internationale (SFI) soutient le projet en fournissant une assistance technique et une formation à la SOFITEX pour l'amélioration des techniques agricoles et l'adoption de technologies, en plus du cofinancement d’un fonds de roulement pour l'entreprise.

La mise en oeuvre du projet débutera en avril 2018, avec un cofinancement par le GPOBA de 50 à 80% des investissements à utiliser selon une approche « basée sur les résultats », qui remboursera les agriculteurs après la vérification indépendante que ceux-ci ont rempli les conditions de décaissement des subventions. Une partie de ce financement aidera les agriculteurs à accéder au financement des institutions financières nationales pour préfinancer les coûts d'investissement des sous-projets et supportera une facilité dédiée à la gestion partielle des risques associés aux premiers entrants.

M. Wilfried Yameogo, Directeur Général de la SOFITEX, a souligné que ce projet : « permettra d’améliorer la fertilité des sols et l’irrigation d’appoint assurera aux producteurs une source d’eau supplémentaire permettant au cotonnier de faire face au stress hydrique »

Le Burkina Faso est un acteur majeur dans la production de coton d'Afrique et le coton est le deuxième produit d'exportation le plus important du pays en termes de revenus. Comme plus de la moitié des producteurs de coton du monde dépendent de la technologie d'irrigation dont ces petits agriculteurs ne disposent pas, ce projet vise à optimiser l'utilisation des ressources actuelles et à atténuer les effets négatifs du changement climatique tout en stimulant la compétitivité des agriculteurs Burkinabés sur le marché international.

"Ce sera révolutionnaire pour les producteurs de coton qui sont confrontés actuellement à l'imprévisibilité des précipitations, car ils pourront désormais faire face aux aléas liés à la sécheresse et aux inondations", a déclaré M. Cheick Fantamady Kante, Directeur national de la Banque Mondiale à Ouagadougou.

Le Groupe de la Banque Mondiale espère partager les leçons à tirer de ce projet qui est le premier du GPOBA dans le pays et dans le secteur et de ce qu'il considère comme un modèle réussi pour d'autres projets agro-industriels régionaux utilisant des financements mixtes des secteurs public et privé.


Faisant partie du Groupe de la Banque Mondiale, le Partenariat Mondial pour l'aide Basée sur les Résultats (GPOBA) propose des solutions de financement innovantes qui lient le financement aux résultats concrets obtenus. Nos approches de financement basées sur les résultats (RBF) permettent d'accéder aux services de base tels que l'eau et l'assainissement, l'énergie, la santé et l'éducation pour les communautés à faible revenu qui pourraient autrement ne pas être desservies. En réunissant des bailleurs de fonds des secteurs public et privé pour maximiser les ressources et en concevant des incitatifs efficaces pour les fournisseurs de services, nous améliorons les conditions de vie des populations défavorisées. Notre portefeuille comprend 50 projets pilotes dans 30 pays avec des engagements totalisant US$ 247 millions et offrant un accès aux services de base à plus de neuf millions de bénéficiaires.


Washington: Amsale Bumbaugh Tél.: +1 (202) 473 2378 – Email :

Ouagadougou : Lionel F. Yaro: Tél.: +1 (202) 569-3322 – Email :

Bobo-Dioulasso : Ousséni Kaboré. Tél : +226 76 09 41 78-- Email :

Pour en savoir plus sur GPOBA, visitez:

Cliquez ici pour pour en savoir plus sur le travail de la Banque mondiale au Burkina Faso.

Pour en savoir plus sur ce projet, cliquez ici.

(version en anglais)





News Release


Irrigation to Stabilize Burkinabé Smallholder Cotton Farmers’ Production

International Funding to Aid Vital Commodity’s Resilience

OUAGADOUGOU. May 1, 2018. About 1,000 smallholder cotton farmers are targeted to receive support for investments in land and water management, and in new irrigation systems. Under the World Bank-financed Sahel Irrigation Initiative, the Government of Burkina Faso signed a Grant Agreement with the World Bank on February 21, 2018 for US$5.85 million funding from the Global Partnership on Output Based Aid (GPOBA).

The aim is to support smallholder cotton farmers in the supply chain of Société Burkinabé des Fibres Textiles (SOFITEX) to improve productivity and better cope with the extremes of rainfall due to climate change. The International Finance Corporation is supporting the project by providing technical assistance and training to SOFITEX for improved farming techniques and technology adoption, in addition to co-financing a working capital facility for the company.

The project’s implementation is set to launch in April 2018, with GPOBA’s co-financing 50-80% of investments to be disbursed using a "results-based" approach, which will pay farmers upon their meeting certain project milestones and independent verification. Part of this funding will help farmers access financing from domestic financial institutions, pre-finance the sub-project investment costs and provide a partial risk facility for early entrants.

Mr. Wilfried Yameogo, SOFITEX’s General Director, explained: "This project will help improve the fertility of the land and supplemental irrigation will assure farmers of a more stable source of water as needed."

Burkina Faso is Sub-Saharan Africa’s biggest producer of cotton, and the crop is the country’s second most important export commodity in terms of revenue generation. As more than half the world’s cotton growers rely on irrigation technology that these smallholder farmers lack, this project seeks to optimize use of current resources and mitigate the negative effects climate change, and boost the farmers’ ability to compete on the international market.

"This will be revolutionary for cotton farmers who currently rely entirely on the unpredictability of rainfall, as they can now better face the extremes of seasonal droughts and flooding," stated World Bank Country Manager Mr. Cheick Fantamady Kante.

The World Bank Group looks forward to sharing the lessons to be learned from this project – GPOBA’s first in the country and sector– and to what it believes it can be a successful model for other regional agribusiness projects using blended finance from the public and private sectors.

(Press Release in French)

Related feature story: "Irrigation Systems Introduced to Small-Scale Cotton Farmers in Burkina Faso.  

Related story from our donor and partner: "Sowing Seeds of a Bright Future For Burkinabe Cotton Farmers".

Find out more about the World Bank’s work in Burkina Faso, 





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Burkina Faso is the largest cotton producer in Sub-Saharan Africa, with cotton's being the country's second most important export commodity in terms of revenue generation - yet small-scale farmers have been wholly reliant on rainwater for cultivation, leaving harvests’ fate subject to the extremes of either drought or flooding from excess rainfall.

This four-year program (extended for a fifth year) -- developed in collaboration with IFC is part of the World Bank's Sahel Irrigation Initiative -- was GPOBA’s first project in Burkina Faso and in direct support of irrigation.  The collaborative World Bank-IFC-GPOBA efforts seek to optimize the use of available resources to mitigate the negative effects of climate change on cotton sector productivity by training about 1,000 small-scale cotton farmers in land and water management, investing in small-scale irrigation systems, and facilitating farmers' access to credit.

Read: "Sowing Seeds of a Bright Future for Burkinabe Cotton Farmers"

Related: "Increasing Cotton Yields in Burkina Faso"


Photo: Dominic Chavez / IFC


With GPOBA’s $5.85 million grant agreement signed on February 21, 2018, small-scale cotton farmers in western Burkina Faso’s semi-arid region will receive support for better land management and irrigation practices, procurement and installation of irrigation equipment, and credit financing to stem the effects of climate change and stabilize production. This four-year program (to be launched April 2018) developed in collaboration with IFC is part of the World Bank's Sahel Irrigation Initiative -- is GPOBA’s first project in Burkina Faso and in direct support of irrigation.  The collaborative World Bank-IFC-GPOBA efforts seek to optimize the use of available resources to mitigate the negative effects of climate change on cotton sector productivity by training about 1,000 small-scale cotton farmers in land and water management, investing in small-scale irrigation systems, and facilitating farmers' access to credit. 

This funding will benefit farmers’ cooperatives affiliated with SOFITEX (Société Burkinabé des Fibres Textiles), which is responsible for more than three-quarters of the country’s cotton production. Burkina Faso is the largest cotton producer in Sub-Saharan Africa, with cotton's being the country's second most important export commodity in terms of revenue generation ---- yet small-scale farmers have been wholly reliant on rainwater for cultivation, leaving harvests’ fate subject to the extremes of either drought or flooding from excess rainfall.


As irrigation farming represents both a technological and cultural shift for these small-scale farmers, GPOBA and the IFC's Advisory Services will co-finance farmers' training on best agricultural practices for soil fertility and water management, water evaporation reduction, compost preparation, and erosion control. With just over half of the world’s cotton production's relying on irrigation, these farmers are poised to increase their ability to compete on the international market. By making better use of water and increasing soil capacity, land fertility and production over several crop cycles are expected to improve (perhaps as much as 30-80%) -- thereby reducing the risk of desertification -- while potentially boosting cotton production and farmer revenues. 

A second project element finances procurement and installation of small-scale irrigation systems (i.e. reservoirs, stone contours, water collection lines, irrigation equipment) for areas up to 3 hectares. Farmers who successfully implement these capital investments and meet project milestones -- upon verification of their functionality, and payment of the first loan installment to their lenders --- can be reimbursed up to 80% of their investment costs. 

The project’s third component helps the farmers who apply early to access market finance through a partial risk facility. GPOBA will provide the initial funds for this facility, after which other financial institutions may fill this role. GPOBA’s grant will help mitigate some of the risks such as natural disasters, loan payment default, and incomplete project implementation by compensating up to 50% of the lenders’ losses and commitment to pay up to half of the fees for purchasing market-based risk-mitigation products. The subsidy will also help farmers pay 80% of the interest of the first year’s loan to the lender.
GPOBA looks forward to this project’s success and will be closely monitoring its outcomes, and anticipates this to be a model to be replicated throughout the region and in other types of agribusiness through a blend of public and private financing.

*This program seeks to expand irrigated, sustainable, and productive agricultural that spurs job creation and increases food security in the Sahel’s rural regions. Click here to view a teaser video clip. 

Related content: IFC's "Sowing Seeds of a Bright Future for Burkinabe Cotton Farmers"