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This project is a study on the use of results-based financing (RBF) to attract increased investment to climate change (CC) mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. The target audience will be World Bank staff, staff of other multi-lateral and bi-lateral agencies and donor government policy makers.

Phase 1 is the production of a GPOBA Working Paper that will fill a gap in the discussion on measures relating to CC, which has made few linkages with the use of output-based aid (OBA). The proposed work will highlight how OBA has increased infrastructure investment towards CC mitigation and its potential to support adaptation. The paper will suggest that OBA could play a higher profile role on CC going forward. 

Phase 2 deliverables will support in making the findings from Phase 1 operational as policy and in developing operating guidelines. In determining most appropriate outputs during phase 2, consideration will be given to how best the findings of phase 1 can be turned into policy/operations in coordination with other global efforts.

Operationalization in ways that deliver significant private sector financing will be a key aspect of phase 2, and it is expected that meetings will be held with a variety of private sector financiers as well as policy makers. These meetings will help to clarify the practical issues involving RBF for climate change on how best these can be addressed. Outputs of this phase will support drafting of policy and operating guidelines.

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The study analyzes opportunities for using OBA in providing access to education and vocational training. The study also considers the potential for public-private partnerships to iimprove access to education.

This activity was started in Jan-Jun 2014 reporting period. A firm was hired after being identified through a competitive selection, and the work has begun. The firm gave a preliminary presentation to GPOBA in May 2015. 


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The objective of this study is to analyze how the OBA approach can be applied to address the access challenges of low-income people in developing countries to urban transport services. Specifically, the objectives are to define the use of OBA in urban transport, to identify what conditions are needed to implement OBA, to propose TA for specific cities towards an OBA scheme, and to inform the design and implementation of a currently implemented subsidy targeted scheme in Mexico that may have insights for OBA.

The deliverables are the viability assessment of OBA schemes in urban transport and a pro-poor fare and subsidy scheme, based on cases of Bhutan, Senegal, Ethiopia and Mexico. Learning series OBA Approaches and Lessons Learned were completed and are under dissemination.

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This activity helps produce new evidence on improving efficiency and effectiveness of HIV prevention through combining it with reproductive health services and delivering it as RBF. Tranche 1 (of 3) supports the development of methodology and evaluation design for statistical modeling of averted HIV cases. The models can be used worldwide and will be tested in Zimbabwe.

The reports have been presented to the stakeholders for feedback as well as at the AIDS 2018 conference in Amsterdam in July 2018.  The evaluation concludes that (a) the administration of the HIV and reproductive care as combined leads to better patient outcome, as evidenced by 90,000 transmissions averted including 12,000 mother-to-child transmissions in 2011-2015 and (b) that hospital patients who receive the HIV and reproductive care as combined were more satisfied, while the patients in primary care centers and out-patient departments did not show an increase in satisfaction.  The activities supported in Tranche 3 were built on the methodological work supported under Tranche 1 and the baseline surveys supported by Tranche 2.

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This activity documented and disseminated the Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) or Indonesian State Finance and Development Survelliance Committee experience on output verification within the East and South Asia region through a South-South Knowledge Exchange (SSKE) event. 
Outputs also included development of training materials including e-learning modules; technical training for BPKP auditors in seven representative offices to ensure sustainability of the Independent Verification Agent model; institutionalization of the technical training methodology within the BPKP Training Center curriculum; and dissemination of the DAK impact evaluation analysis and the M&E handbook to participating Local Governments.