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This activity consists of four tasks:  

1. Lessons from the ongoing Electricity Access for Low-Income Households Project and recommendation on the scaling-up of the activities using similar approaches.  

2. Review of the connection fee subsidy.  

3. Needs assessment for complementary network reinforcement.  

4. Recommendation for OBA/RBF mechanisms for scaling up. This work will include a review of the current Rural Electrification Master Plan (2008-2030) and Strategic Plan (2014-2018), network planning capability, recommendations related to a geospatial-based electrification planning framework, a National Electrification Strategy/ Implementation Roadmap, and Investments Prospectus that will allow Rural Electrification AgencyZESCO to increase the access to electrification for rural households. 

The activity achieved its the deliverables as planned and the joint IDA-GPOBA scaleup project with the Rural Electrification Agency has been design, building on the World Bank and GPOBA work with ZESCO. The review of the Rural Electrification Master Plan, supported by this activity, has been helpful not only for the new project but also rural electrification overall. 

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The objective of this activity is to develop e-learning resources on the applicability of RBF/OBA in Solid Waste Management (SWM)   The activity is designed as e-resource that will inform development partners and practitioners engaged in the design of solid waste management schemes (SWM) on the applicability of RBF/OBA for the sector as well as implementation challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, it will address lessons learned from specific case studies.  It will be executed in collaboration with experienced consultants on knowledge management and solid SWM. It will be designed as flexible standalone resource and in parallel to work in partnership with relevant e-leaning channels.   

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The knowledge exchange envisions an event aimed at sharing experience between stakeholders from Bangladesh and Myanmar involved in the design and implementation of rural electrification and renewable energy development projects.

The knowledge exchange visit took place in May 2018 and the analytical materials useful for RBF in Myanmar have also been finalized and presented to key government officials by the World Bank and knowledge exchange participants.


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This activity supports improvements in the quality of local services and infrastructure by improving accountability through the use of the government's own internal auditor. The methodology of output verification will be useful for monitoring results from infrastructure sectors supported by a broader set of programmatic advisory and analytical activities. In turn, the programmatic activities on Sustainable Urbanization aim to support the Government in developing a suite of policy, advisory, financing and program solutions to meet the challenge of sustainable urbanization, specifically policy and financing frameworks to channel advisory and investment to Indonesian cities to meet pressing urban infrastructure and management needs.

The activities have been completed. In this reporting period, GPRBA catalogued knowledge products for to be used after the TA, supporting a state audit reform that now includes physical verification of results in the basic infrastructure sectors. The budget was increased from the original 350,000, given the impact of this activity on Indonesia, the most populous island nation that recently graduated from IDA and continued with fast development. For the future, GPRBA is considering a new TA for BPKP, the independent federal audit agency, to expand the use of output verification in housing, education and health sectors. 

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This activity assesses current practices to identify gender-promoting strategies and develops tools for reducing gender gaps in GPRBA operations in line with the WBG Gender Strategy 2016-2023.

The strategic framework and five tools for urban, education, energy, water and gender-based violence prevention have been reviewed by peer reviewers, including the gender focal point. The five sector toolkits are being synthesized into one RBF "How-To" document. The activity has been extended to June 2023 to allow more user feedback.


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As the concept of outcome-based financing (OBF) is relatively new, and given the limited experience using OBF within the World Bank, this activity aims to advance and share knowledge on the transition within the RBF conceptual framework from outputs-to-outcomes, and to identify opportunities for outcome-based financing projects.

Under this activity, GPRBA has prepared the following knowledge products:

Publication on Outcome-Based Financing 101 and GPRBA’s Outcomes Fund multi-donor trust fund

White Paper on RBF through Social Enterprises

• Literature review on OBF and internal resource guide (internal)

Publication on OBF for Service Delivery with Key Considerations for the Recovery from COVID-19. This paper, published in April 2021, was presented and discussed as part of the Oxford GoLab’s "Engaging with Evidence" series.

Ongoing activities will continue to focus on expanding knowledge and building awareness of OBF, drawing and disseminating lessons from design and implementation of existing programs, and supporting a potential pipeline of outcomes-focused projects.

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This activity aims to systematize lessons on the application of OBA and RBF, based on GPRBA’s 15 years of experience in addressing the development challenges of low-income communities. 

The GPRBA team prepared and disseminated the following:

• Review of GPRBA’s TA and knowledge portfolio against set criteria

• Case studies reflecting the stories of successful application of the RBF mechanisms in different countries (Bangladesh, Ghana, Nepal, Uganda, and Solomon Islands)

• Notes on GPRBA’s experience with applying the RBF mechanism in the energy, water and sanitation sectors, as well as to address the problems related to the following themes: Fragility-Conflict-Violence (FCV), climate change, and gender issues

• Review IVA reports produced as part of GPRBA projects to identify common issues, challenges and risks of project implementation and make recommendations on how to improve IVA and IVA reports

• Survey to assess the mainstreaming of RBF approaches, as well as the scaling-up of RBF projects’ implementation by different governments, development institutions, and other RBF practicing organizations

• Review of RBF-related literature with an emphasis on approaches outside GPRBA – the database has been uploaded to the GPRBA website

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This activity explored RBF approaches for PPP in land-administration services, with an added emphasis on creating affordable services for the poor. This activity comprises the following: an analytical framework; an operational framework; country-level feasibility studies for up to three countries; consultations to facilitate dialogue between public and private-sector participants and to obtain their feedback.

The activity has delivered the analytical and operational frameworks for PPP in land administration and country specific case studies as planned. It was been extended from December 2019 to June 2020 to facilitate knowledge dissemination, operational engagements, a training for practitioners in Land Administration operations held in Washington on December 2019 as well as a Knowledge Note that will explore the use of RBF in securing land and property rights. 




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This task will include the following activities: 1. Identification and assessment of possible education impact bond operations. This activity will support the identification and assessment of up to three World Bank-supported education projects, which could be totally or partially financed according to the principles of a SIB. The identification of these projects will be done through research and meetings with staff involved in the preparation of education projects. The assessment of potential candidates for social impact bond financing will be done by applying a framework (SIB Assessment Framework) to be developed by the task team, based on the exiting literature and social impact bond-financed projects under implementation in various sectors and countries. 2. Supporting the initial design of SIB features for the identified good candidates for impact bond financing. For each education project assessed as a good candidate for SIB financing, this activity will support the initial design of SIB features that can be used to inform the future project preparation. These SIB features could include the: (i) rationale for using SIB to address the project objectives, as compared to other approaches, (ii) identification and definition of roles of stakeholders, and profiles of entities that could play those roles in a given country and sector, (iii) outcome metrics, and (iv) potential sources of funds.3. Knowledge sharing. This activity will support the development and sharing of documentation and information on the assessment of potential impact bond operations in education. The task team will organize events (e.g. BBLs) to disseminate the outputs from this task. All project documentation and information will be also made available to the audiences through the Impact Bond Community Platform and other means.

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This activity requests funding to create and disseminate case study experience across sectors on the use of selected results-based financing (RBF) methods including output-based aid (OBA), to illustrate the specific components, applications and lessons from experience for selected RBF approaches.  This activity will result in the dissemination of case studies and related knowledge through existing platforms to targeted clients, donors, potential donors and other development partners.