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As GPRBA explores expanding its activities with its new Outcomes Fund, GPRBA has recently partnered with the UK's Government Outcomes Lab (GoLab) in share insights in knowledge exchanges, among them the annual Social Outcomes Conference 2021 (SOC2021) held on September 9-10, 2021.

GPRBA Program Manager Maitreyi Das moderated a "Fireside Chat: Driving an Outcomes-Focused Development Agenda in India" (@ 24:35), one of the panels of the "Evidence and Insights from India's Experience with Paying for Outcomes" regional spotlight session co-hosted with GoLab by the British Asian Trust. This SOC21 side discussion included key actors from the Indian Government, service providers, outcome payers, researchers, and intermediaries shared evidence and learning from current projects and those in design and development. (View session slide presentation)

Two GPRBA staff, Inga Afanasieva (Sr. Infrastructure Specialist) and Jessica Lopez-Taylor (Operations Officer), have been designated as GoLab "Fellows of Practice" and both presented on the second day of the conference ways in which results-based financing can be one of the tools to achieve investors' and government officials' goals to improve social outcomes. 

Inga Afanasieva spoke first during the session "Adventures in Awarding the Outcomes Contracts" which considered some of the challenges and solutions using this financing tool -- including a new template outcomes contract, a new guide, and lessons learned from case studies. The session also considered the fundamental public policy reasons behind entrenched administrative processes in public organizations and how an outcomes focus may achieve important underlying objectives such as effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability.

Jessica Lopez-Taylor spoke in a subsequent session, "Making Sense of the Global Evidence on Outcome-Based Contracting Approaches " in which discussants presented the preliminary findings of the Global Systematic Review on Social Outcomes Contracting launched by the Government Outcomes Lab and Ecorys in January 2021. This review explored whether, when, where and how outcomes-based contracting approaches deliver improved impact when compared to more conventional funding arrangements.  

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The Partnership broadened its mandate in 2019 to incorporate more flexible financing solutions beyond OBA, to keep up with the changing needs of our clients and to achieve greater impact. The name change to GPRBA marked this expansion. It made more RBF instruments available, and leveraged the flexibility of Results-Based Financing to structure projects that bring public- and private-sector investors together to maximize resources.

GPRBA Annual Report 2021 (10.71 MB)

GPRBA participated in the sixth session of the U.K.'s Government Outcomes Lab "Engaging with Evidence" series to discuss the role of outcomes-based financing and impact bonds in building resilient services during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the recovery process. (Review GPRBA presentation

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This activity supported technical work commissioned by the World Bank led by Opus International Consultants Limited.

The activity was structured two parts:
1) Identify factors that make projects succeed and consolidate best practice.
2) Develop guidance on the benefits of the PBC approach, including clear selection criteria for each PBC model type.

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This activity funded for a training course to build OBA awareness within the  donor community in India. The training discussed scaling up OBA and how OBA worked within results-based financing. The interactive course included case studies, exercises  and discussions.    

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This activity supported GPOBA’s efforts to work with the Asian Development  Bank  (ADB) as well as Other Development Partners(ODP) such as the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG), AusAid and DFID.

The goal was to facilitate the development and implementation of an OBA  project pipeline and to enable OBA Experts at GPOBA to support ODPs to deliver their OBA mainstreaming activities through: 

  • General advice/training support including the use of the Diagnostic Tool.
  • Participation in ODP project missions to facilitate design of OBA projects by the ODPs country programs.
  • OBA scheme structuring advice and review/peer review at concept stage;
  • Procurement and management  of  OBA consultants where GPOBA funds TA.
  • Implementation support (e.g., troubleshooting, monitoring/lessons learned, et al).

In November 2013, GPOBA  delivered an OBA training program to staff of the Asian Development Bank’s Strategy and Policy unit in Washington, DC. GPOBA supplied ADB with information and advice to support an OBA water project in Indonesa.

At the ADB's behest and during the same month, GPOBA delivered a one-day presentation to the overnment of Timor Leste regarding the design of an OBA water component.
Other explored activities: support to the ADB in preparation for the Asia Clean Energy  Forum  as  well  as  the  discussions  with KfW about considering OBA schemes.

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This activity supported the organization of training events outside of World Bank's headquarters by GPOBA's Knowledge and Learning team. OBA experts conducted sesssions targeting World Bank Country Office Staff and other development partners. These training  events  were  focused  on  building OBA awareness within the external development community with the aim of mainstreaming OBA within other development agencies, partners,  and other relevant audiences.  This activity was part of the Broad Learning pillar of GPOBA’s Knowledge and Learning  Program,  one of  the three business lines of GPOBA’s Center of Expertise in FY12. 

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This activity's purpose was to increase the knowledge and understanding of OBA/RBFproject design and implementation among existing and potential  practitioners, and to further mainstream OBA approaches. 

This activity was closed and met deliverables as planned, including 5 OBApproaches (OBA in FCS, OBA in Solid Waste, Mali Renewable Energy, Philippines Health and Kenya Commercial Finance, along with a Lessons Learned on Bangladesh Solar Home Systems.   

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In Phase 1, the team developed a "User Guide to RBF for the Water Sector" to assist water experts in developing countries and the international community with identifying results-based instruments for current and future donor and/or country-financed programs across all water sub-sectors.  

Strategic Objectives of Tasks

1. Promote the mainstreaming of RBF in the water sector.

2. Support identification of potential RBF schemes for future GPOBA funding.

3. Help experts design projects that are eligible for RBF funding.

4. Fund pilot programs in various water sub-sectors that generate results.

5. Provide a series of case studies to inform future RBF work in water.

6. Enhance aid effectiveness by promoting collaboration between World Bank Trust Funds WPP and GPOBA.

7. Provide capacity building to sector experts, developing country governments, and other stakeholders.

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This activity investigated financing, structuring and implementating of sustainableirrigation schemes in developing countries targeting low- income farmers,  and explores ways to introduce OBA, with these objectives:

  • Develop a better understanding of sustainable small-scale irrigation schemes
  • Evaluate the scope of OBA for supporting poor farmers.
  • Develop contractual arrangements to support sustainable small-scale irrigation schemes benefiting from OBA.

The  deliverables  were  completed. As an outcome, GPOBA  developed its first OBA grant in irrigation with IFC in Burkina Faso, for which the GPOBA Panel of Experts approved the Project Concept Note with a provisional amount of $4.4 million.
The Concept Note was aligned with World Bank Group's Sahel Initiative with its pledge of $1.5 billion to help the countries of the Sahel  region  tackle political, food, climatic, and security vulnerabilities.