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This month’s edition of Results Matters is all about outcomes—outcomes for people, outcomes for the environment, and even outcomes for rhinos. While results-based financing (RBF) has been used to support access to basic social and infrastructure services for decades, including through nearly 60 GPRBA-funded programs, the concept of financing outcomes is a relatively new trend. Most RBF programs for service delivery to date have tied funding to outputs and/or other shorter-term results. Outcome-based financing (OBF), by contrast, aims to tie payments to metrics more closely related to the ultimate development objective: meaningful outcomes for beneficiaries. 

In this issue, you can read key takeaways and view recordings from Oxford University Blavatnik School of Government’s Social Outcomes Conference—the annual convening of the world's leading researchers, policymakers and practitioners working to improve social outcomes—held September 8-9; learn more about what the World Bank is doing in this space, including through GPRBA’s own Outcomes Fund; take a deep dive course on OBF; and explore what the international community is doing and saying about OBF.
Feature Story

     Photo: Government Outcomes Lab

Oxford University Blavatnik School of Government’s 2022 
Social Outcomes Conference
On September 8-9, the Blavatnik School of Government’s Government Outcomes Lab (GO Lab) hosted the annual Social Outcomes Conference (SOC22), a hybrid event held in Oxford, England.

Convening the world's leading researchers, policymakers and practitioners in the outcome-based contracting space, the conference featured discussions on the latest practice and evidence on the use of outcome-focused approaches in the provision of public services across different geographies, disciplines, and policy areas.

A central theme of SOC22 was answering the question: how can government collaborate with the voluntary, social, and private sectors to develop, manage, and evaluate shared social outcomes?

GoLab SOC22 Day 01 - Conversations on measurement and public value
GoLab SOC22 Day 02 - Academic Symposium: Governance and institutional logics
Highlighted OBF Projects
Ghana Education Outcomes Project
(Additional Financing to the Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcomes Project - GALOP)

In 2020, GPRBA signed a USD 25.5 million grant agreement, funded by the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), with the Government of Ghana for the World Bank’s first impact bond in education. The impact bond, which will begin implementation in schools in January 2023, aims to achieve learning outcomes for children in both rural and urban areas of Ghana, specifically targeting out-of-school children and girls. 
Blog;  Project page.
West Bank and Gaza Finance for Jobs Project (F4J)

Review results from the World Bank’s first-ever development impact bond (DIB), targeting youth skills development and employment in West Bank and Gaza. Launched in 2019, the DIB has so far mobilized USD 1.8 million in private investment and enrolled more than 800 youth, leading to more than 300 participants finding employment. 
Results Brief;  Project Page
World Bank Wildlife Conservation Bond (aka “Rhino Bond”)

The World Bank Wildlife Conservation Bond (WCB), also known as the “Rhino Bond,” is a first of its kind outcome-based Sustainable Development Bond that works with private investors to finance conservation activities, and together with financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) contributes to protecting and increasing black rhino populations in South Africa.
Feature storyVideo;  Project page
RBF Webinar Series Launch
Innovations in Results-Based Financing & Paying for Outcomes
On June 7, the RBF Knowledge Silo Breaker (KSB) launched a new webinar series to develop a deeper understanding of how RBF is being utilized to deliver development outcomes globally and across sectors. This inaugural session convened leading global experts on RBF to discuss the latest cutting-edge innovations, emerging trends, challenges, and lessons in RBF for service delivery, specifically highlighting innovative OBF case examples. Watch webinar recording.
Publications & Research
An Introduction to Outcome-Based Financing and GPRBA’s Outcomes Fund

Interested in learning more about OBF? This brief will walk you through the basics of OBF with case examples and introduce GPRBA’s Outcomes Fund—a multi-donor trust fund launched in 2020 with the aim of driving improved social, infrastructure, and environmental outcomes for poor and vulnerable populations.
Outcome-Based Financing for Service Delivery with Key Considerations for the Recovery from COVID-19

This GPRBA paper explores whether and how OBF can contribute to overcoming the enduring service financing and delivery challenges, while also supporting long-term rebuilding and resilience in the context of COVID-19.
How have impact bond-funded projects in low- and middle-income countries fared in COVID-19?

In this study, the Brookings Institution examines how social and development impact bonds operating in low- and middle-income environments have weathered the COVID-19 crisis.
Engaging in outcomes-based partnerships; A framework to support government and ecosystem readiness

GPRBA supported the review of this report produced by Social Finance UK, which presents the conditions and characteristics needed to successfully engage in outcomes-based partnerships.
International Network for Data on Impact and Government Outcomes (INDIGO)

Looking for more information on global OBF programs? GO Lab’s INDIGO database system allows you to explore (and contribute to) data on outcome-focused projects around the world.
Using outcomes-based contracting to tackle the climate crisis: A review of the evidence
GO Lab has just released a new report assessing the role of OBF in achieving environmental outcomes. The report compiles existing literature on the use of OBF in climate/environment sectors, with a summary of key findings, challenges, and successes of project implementation thus far.
Upcoming Events
Policyware Deep Dive on Outcomes-Based Financing: Impact Bonds and Outcomes Funds (October 24 – November 11, 2022)

This 3-week course taught by Dr. Emily Gustafsson-Wright of the Brookings Institution includes a combination of recorded and live lectures and group discussion on impact bonds and other forms of outcome-based financing for social and environmental programs.
#GPRBA Online
A selection of online media mentioning GPRBA projects. For more online stories, please visit our LinkedIn page.

"Education Minister Reveals! Frantic efforts are being made to educate out-of-school children in Ghana"
The New Trust, 31 August 2022
RBF Scholarly Literature Review
Results-Based Financing Bibliography 

A bibliography of 227 articles on RBF last updated April 2022 is now available on the GPRBA website.

If you have resources you think we should add to the database, please send us an email to  

Self-Paced Course on Results-Based Financing 

Would you like to learn about results-based financing's basic concepts and principles?

If so, take the online self-paced course "E-Learning on Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles.
Contact Us
Have any comments or feedback? Use our feedback form at 
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