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New Publication
New Publication on RBF Case Study: Solid Waste Management in Nepal

This analysis on the Nepal Output-Based Aid Solid Waste Management (SWM) project is the latest issue of the series "RBF Case Studies: A GPRBA Retrospective, " whose objective was to improve access to high-quality and financially sustainable SWM services in five selected municipalities from 2013-2017.  
Mr. Pradeep Amatya shares his observations about some of the challenges and benefits from the output-based aid project and GPRBA's role in helping improve the delivery of SWM services in the Lalitpur municipality.  
Ms. Phoram Shah narrates how GPRBA provided financial support to this essential public service to address unanticipated costs incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, and helped supplement the role of the World Bank.  
From the Archives
Results-Based Financing for Municipal Solid Waste 

This report presents case studies of eight municipalities in several regions of the world that adopted RBF principles to fit local contexts and meet individual challenges.

Solid Waste Services Assessment and Improvement Plan for Itahari (Nepal)

GPRBA (then GPOBA) supported a pilot program to improve solid waste management services in five Nepali municipalities. This publication focuses on the results stemming from this project for the city of Itahari.  
Output-Based Aid for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Nepal

Part of the "Lessons Learned" series, this publication describes the GPRBA-supported project, which aimed to build upon five eligible municipalities’ existing systems and make them more sustainable, rather than developing new systems. 
Webinar: Pay for Success in Solid Waste Management Results-Based Financing

This webinar discussed how output-based approaches can boost solid waste management services in developing countries as it has in Nepal.
Self-Paced e-Learning on Results-Based Financing in Solid Waste Management

The World Bank's Open Learning Campus (OLC) offers these two learning sessions on how results-based financing can help improve the quality of SWM services delivery. Join World Bank Urban Specialist Silpa Kaza to learn about the possibilities opened by this innovative financing. 

Results-Based Financing Delivers Innovative Municipal Solid Waste Management Solutions, Part 1 (08:10)

Results-Based Financing Delivers Innovative Municipal Solid Waste Management Solutions, Part 2 (13:08)

RBF Resources
Results-Based Financing Bibliography 

In 2021 GPRBA created a database to compile literature published in the field of RBF from 2010 to 2020, which included over 200 sources. We have recently updated this database to include resources from the end of 2020 through 2021.

If you have resources that you think should be added to this database please contact our team  with the subject line “RBF bibliography."
Self-Paced Course on Results-Based Financing 

Would you like to learn about results-based financing's basic concepts and principles? If so, take the online self-paced course "E-Learning on Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles."   
#GPRBA on Social Media
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