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This issue of Results Matters presents highlights of GPRBA’s investment projects, technical assistance activities, new publications, events as well as GPRBA in the media during the past fiscal year 2022 (FY22).
Recognition for Kenya Water Project
Photo: Water Fund

In December 2021, Kenya's Water Fund was presented with the prestigious United Nations Public Service Award (UNPSA) for its output-based aid program funded through a GPRBA grant and financing from local commercial banks. Competing against 400 nominations from 67 countries, Water Fund won its second UNPSA, this time under the category of “Enhancing the Effectiveness of Public Institutions to Reach the SDGs;" the previous UNPSA was bestowed to the Water Fund in 2019 for its Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor
This video gives an overview of GPRBA's project to deliver water and sanitation to low-income areas and includes perspectives from officials, implementers, property owners and end users.
WaterFund CEO Ismail Shaiye thanked GPRBA for contributing to the OBA project's success in reaching targeted low-income communities in Kenya.

RBF Investment Projects

In FY22, GPRBA supported nine RBF investment projects on Education, Energy, Solid Waste Management, Water and others in seven countries and one territory. 

Technical Assistance Activities
GPRBA had six active total technical assistance activities in FY22 (three of which were approved during the fiscal year) focusing on housing, solid waste management and informal settlements.   
Voices from the Field

To commemorate World Toilet Day (19 November 2021), the World Bank launched a set of five videos on the GPRBA-supported Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Projecti featuring interviews with engineers, officials and beneficiaries. View all five videos

Phoram Shah, Urban Specialist at the World Bank, explains how GPRBA supported this much-needed public service in one of the most challenging political and geographical environments.

This production by the World Bank Ghana office illustrates how schoolchildren in Ghana have adapted to learning, at times virtually, during the COVID-19 pandemic. GPRBA is providing additional funding to the ongoing IDA program Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcomes, now renamed the Ghana Education Outcomes Fund. This additional financing will help reduce the current financing gap in the project's implementation to support the Government’s COVID-19 Coordinated Education Response Plan and respond to the high number of out-of-school children. The project is on schedule to begin RBF-funded activities in the second quarter of FY23.
GPRBA Annual Report 2021 

This Annual Report highlighted GPRBA's activities in subsidizing projects, technical assistance and knowledge/learning activities during FY21. This report also featured GPRBA's cumulative portfolio since its establishment in 2003, with 58 subsidy projects in 32 countries (and one territory), and more than 11 million verified beneficiaries.
Results-Based Financing Bibliography 

A bibliography of 227 articles on RBF last updated April 2022 is now available on the GPRBA website. If you have resources you think we should add to the database, please send us an email to  
RBF Case Study: Solid Waste Management in Nepal

This analysis outlines how output-based aid helped improve access to high-quality and financially sustainable SWM services in five selected municipalities in Nepal from 2013-2017.  
RBF for Gender-Based Violence and Women's Empowerment in Mozambique

GPRBA co-organized a virtual three-day event exploring the use of RBF approaches for women's empowerment and the prevention of to gender-based violence in Mozambique. This summary includes key findings resulting from this workshop, held in English and Portuguese. 
RBF Events
GPRBA participated in several RBF knowledge exchange events during FY22; find more details and recordings of some sessions below:
GoLab's Social Outcomes Conference 2021
9-10 September 2021

Two GPRBA colleagues designated as GoLab "Fellows of Practice" presented how results-based financing can achieve investors' and government officials' goals to improve social outcomes in  "Adventures in Awarding the Outcomes Contracts" and "Making Sense of the Global Evidence on Outcome-Based Contracting Approaches.
Evidence and insights from India’s experience with paying for outcomes
8 September 2021

GPRBA’s Program Manager moderated the regional spotlight session on "Fireside Chat: Driving an Outcomes-Focused Development Agenda in India," (@ 24:35) co-hosted by GoLab and the British-Asian Trust at the Social Outcomes Conference  (Download Presentation
Revisiting OBF and Climate Change, COVID-19 Recovery Efforts
Outcome-Based Financing for Service Delivery; With Key Considerations for the Recovery From COVID-19

This paper explores whether and how OBF can contribute to overcoming the service financing and delivery challenges during the pandemic, while also supporting resilience in the context of COVID-19 recovery efforts.
Responding to Covid-19 with RBF Through Social Enterprises

This White Paper is a guide for development experts who engage in RBF, and focuses on two goals: reducing the spread of COVID-19 and minimizing the pandemic's socioeconomic impact  by engaging social enterprises to use RBF. 
Closing Gender Gaps Using RBF in Climate Change Projects

Teams working on climate change mitigation can use this tool as a guide to implement RBF as a mechanism to close the gender gap. 
#GPRBA Online
A selection of online media which mentions GPRBA projects. For more online stories, please visit our LinkedIn page.

Improving the quality of primary school deaf students' education through sign language (use Google Translate on Chrome Browser)
Kiemsat Online, 15 June 2022

Ghana: Bridging the Gap of Secondary School Education - the Role and Impact of the Secondary Education Improvement Project
Ghana News Agency, 30 March 2022

Liberia: CLUS-Project New Management and Team Visit Waste Management Sites
Front Page Africa, 21 September 2022

Solomon Power Output-Based Aid Program (company webpage)

B&R Enclosures, 10 August 2021
Self-Paced Course on Results-Based Financing 

Would you like to learn about results-based financing's basic concepts and principles? If so, take the online self-paced course "E-Learning on Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles.   
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