Feature Stories
 United Nations Award for GPRBA-Supported Kenya Water Project
In December 2021, Kenya's Water Sector Trust Fund (WSTF) was presented with the prestigious United Nations Public Service Award for its output-based aid program funded by GPRBA.  WSTF CEO Ismail Shaiye thanked GPRBA Program Manager Maitreyi Das for our role in extending water services to low-income households in urban areas.  
The World Bank launched its first employment-focused development impact bond (DIB) to help people with job training and job placement -- especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This video illustrates an important outcome of GPRBA's support for primary school education for deaf children in Vietnam, as told by one of the teachers who also is hearing impaired. 
Towards Better Sanitation in Ghana Video Playlist
“When we had the toilet installed in our home, it was a huge relief for me & my family. The Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project (GAMASWP)  toilet project is helping the community & the country.” See how residents in & around Accra, Ghana benefit from a GPRBA-supported output-based aid sanitation project.
GPRBA Annual Report 2021 

GPRBA has released the 2021 Annual Report highlighting the Partnership's activities. More than 18 years since its founding, GPRBA has a portfolio of 58 subsidy projects in 32 countries and one territory, more than 11 million verified beneficiaries, and numerous technical assistance and knowledge activities. Read more.  
Outcome-Based Financing for Service Delivery: With Key Considerations for the Recovery From COVID-19

This publication explores whether and how outcome-based financing can contribute to overcoming enduring service financing and delivery challenges, while also supporting long-term recovery and resilience in the context of COVID-19. 
Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation Case Study

"Output-Based Aid Sanitation Facility for Greater Accra in Ghana" is the third edition in RBF Case Study series, (following the Solomon Islands Energy Access and Bangladesh OBA Sanitation Microfinance  briefs). The case study describes how GPRBA support helped increase access to improved sanitation in low-income communities and benefitted more than 180,942 people.
RBF Case Study on Uganda Maternal Health

The fourth publication of the RBF Case Study Series describes how GPRBA increased access to skilled and safe maternal health among low-income women in rural Uganda.  
Empowering Women and Combating Gender-Based Violence with RBF in Mozambique

GPRBA partnered with the World Bank's East  Africa Social Sustainability and Inclusion unit to organize this 3-day learning event (April 21-23, 2021). 
Social Outcomes Conference 2021 (Sept. 9-10, 2021)

GPRBA's Program Manager moderated a regional panel discussion on outcomes-based financing in India and two GPRBA colleagues (designated as GoLab "Fellows of Practice") presented ways in which results-based financing can be one of the ways to achieve investors' and government officials' goals to improve social outcomes. View recordings and download presentations.
Resilience in Outcomes-Based Partnerships and Key Considerations for COVID-19 Recovery

GPRBA colleagues participated in the sixth session of UK Government Outcomes Lab "Engaging with Evidence" series on June 14 to discuss the role of RBF and impact bonds to support post-pandemic development efforts.  (Session presentation and video recording).

Performance Measurement and Intergovermental Fiscal Transfer

This three-day event (Feb. 22-24, 2021) was the result of a GPRBA technical assistance activity to support the government of Indonesia's Local Government and Decentralization Project to improve its verification capacity to measure outputs and outcomes of fiscal state spending. Over 300 participants from key Indonesian ministries attended. 

RBF Resources
Results-Based Financing Bibliography 

Now available on the GPRBA website is a compilation of literature published in the field of results-based financing between 2010 to 2020. It includes an initial collection of 205 published papers, journal articles and brief articles. If you have resources you think we should add to the database please send us an email to rbfinfo@gprba.org.  
Self-Paced Course on Results-Based Financing 

Would you like to learn about results-based financing's basic concepts and principles? If so, take the online self-paced course "E-Learning on Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles."   
#GPRBA on Social Media
Want to stay up-to-date with what is going on at GPRBA? Follow our LinkedIn page for the latest updates on projects and beyond and follow hashtag #GPRBA on Twitter.
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