RBF/OBA and Behavior Change
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OBA Connections

Vol.5, #6

"Connecting people to improve lives" 
Encouraging behavior change is vital to the effectiveness of development projects, including those implementing results-based financing approaches. Otherwise, implementing infrastructure and social services is rendered ineffective unless targeted populations are motivated, able, and aware of how their lives can be improved. This edition of OBA Connections presents a few RBF/OBA examples and events regarding behavior change.

If any subscribers are working on RBF/OBA projects that involve behavior change, we would be glad to hear from you and learn from your case studies. Please share your experiences with us through the behavior change discussion below. 

Investigating Behavior Change Within RBF Projects 

Take part in this online discussion to explore and learn about the relationship between RBF and behavior change; you may also preview some of the initial findings to help you prepare for the e-discussion. (To participate, first "login" in the upper right corner on the "join discussion" page).  


The use of pro-poor targeting, the emphasis on accountability through the verification mechanism, and the focus on results, which themselves typically are behavioral in nature, can support behavior change. When designing projects, bringing an iterative process to bear on the challenges of behavior change can help guide project planners and implementing agencies. 


How Can RBF Help Improve Solid Waste Management? 

Contribute to this discussion and exchange ideas about how RBF can be used to upgrade the service and management of solid waste in emerging countries. To prepare for this discussion, please refer to the attached case study of Zambia. (To participate, first "login" in the upper right corner on the "join discussion" page). 


Results-Based Financing for Municipal Solid Waste 

Read about the analyses and lessons learned from the implementation of RBF approaches in eight countries' municipalities, and how local contexts affected the project design. 

OBApproaches for Solid Waste Management in Nepal and the West Bank 

GPOBA's two projects in this sector are described in this edition of OBApproaches.  The paper compares the challenges and RBF solutions in the project design, including the behavior change component. 

Webinar on Healthier Cooking in Indonesia

This learning event highlighted the importance of market-based clean cooking solutions through RBF, as well as incorporating social dimensions and local cooking practices to RBF projects.  Ultimately, these strategies give hope for raising cook stove standards as well as improving the health of Indonesia’s population (download presentation).

RBF for Clean Cookstoves in Uganda  

This report, co-sponsored by GPOBA, presents how RBF is used as part of a broad package of measures to scale up clean cooking in Uganda -- the larger goal being to achieve a range of benefits, including health,  in coordination with the government and key stakeholders. 

Featured Infographic 

The World Bank and the International Organization for Standardization published this infographic demonstrating the urgent need to modify a basic daily routine in many poor family households: safer cooking to mitigate health hazards.  

The 2015 World Development Report, sponsored by the World Bank, argues that a more realistic account of decision-making and behavior will make development policy more effective. In everyday thinking, people use intuition much more than careful analysis, employing concepts and tools that prior experience in their cultural world has made familiar.  

Visit the OBA/RBF Community of Practice platform for additional information on output-based aid and results based financing. Exchange ideas, engage with practitioners and share knowledge. 

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