GPOBA Annual Report FY 2017
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OBA Connections

Vol.5 #8

"Connecting people to improve lives" 
The Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) has had an exciting year of growth. GPOBA has made steady progress reaching over 9.4 million verified beneficiaries, with 2 million more expected to be added through on-going projects. Our portfolio has grown to 48 subsidy projects with total grant funding of $239 million, with over $155 million being disbursed against independently verified results. This issue of OBA Connections presents highlights from our FY2017 Annual Report.
Year in Review

GPOBA's FY2017 activities in operations and knowledge management continued to grow, in addition to looking forward to exploring integrating results-based financing into new fields (climate finance, impact bonds, blended finance, program-for-results).
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Countries with GPOBA-Supported Subsidy Projects
In FY2017, GPOBA added the Solomon Islands to its list of countries of subsidy operations, bringing the total number of countries to 28. (Click for full resolution). 

Solomon Islands Energy

The first grant agreement of FY17 was for providing electricity in the Solomon Islands to over 2,500 homes not previously connected to the grid. This project was funded by a US$2.2 million GPOBA grant through a contribution from the Australia Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and Sweden’s International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). Upon implementation, approximately 14,250 people will have access to electricity made available through the grid and mini-grids.
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Bangladesh Sanitation 

Over 170,000 low-income households (850,000 people) in rural Bangladesh are forecast to have access to hygienic sanitation under FY17's second grant agreement.  The $3 million GPOBA grant supports access to hygienic sanitation by mobilizing approximately $22 million in household loan finance from participating microfinance institutions (MFIs), for a total project cost of $25 million. A combination of microfinance and output-based subsidies will make affordable loans available to low-income households for the purchase of quality hygienic latrines from local construction firms. Read more
Indonesia: Improving Verification Protocols to Enable Fiscal Transfers

In the World Bank's "Local Governance and Decentralization Project" for Indonesia, the program's framework for results drew on lessons provided by GPOBA and its repository of evidence and experience across multiple sectors. One outcome of this Indonesian framework was a South-South Knowledge Exchange workshop in India in May 2017 to share lessons with representatives of South Asia countries on the use of this output-based disbursement approach. 
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