RBF in Sanitation & World Toilet Day
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OBA Connections

Vol.6 #8
"Connecting people to improve lives" 
The United Nations has declared November 19 as “World Toilet Day” to increase awareness of the 2.4 billion people who lack access to a toilet. GPOBA has implemented results-based approaches to reach the poor with improved sanitation, and this edition of OBA Connections focuses on our work to bridge the investment gap in this sector and our contribution in helping create safer, healthier communities. Read more.
Building the Market for Urban Sanitation in Ghana

This note demonstrates how OBA helped make improved household toilets more affordable for Accra's low-income areas, along with stimulating demand that attracted financial institutions to enter this market. Read more.
Expanding Hygienic Sanitation in Rural Bangladesh with Microfinance

This note summarizes how GPOBA supported low-income communities to access microloans for hygienic sanitation facilities. Read more.
Bangladesh Sanitation Microfinance for Rural Households

This brief explains GPOBA's role in reducing the debt service owed by poor households for sanitation loans.  Read more.

New Approaches for Urban Sanitation in Sri Lanka

This video illustrates the innovative solutions used to bring sanitation services to the Greater Colombo area. Watch here
Results-based Financing to Deliver Urban Sanitation Services

This video module, part of an online course on "Planning and Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies," describes how RBF serves to provide sanitation facilities and services in disadvantaged urban areas. Enroll in this Coursera course here.
GPOBA-supported Sanitation Projects 

This map shows the countries where GPOBA has supported sanitation projects, along with the number of beneficiaries and the types of facilities. View map.
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