Focus on World Toilet Day and RBF/OBA in Sanitation
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OBA Connections

Vol.5 #10
"Connecting people to improve lives" 
To commemorate the United Nations' designating November 19 as "World Toilet Day,"  this edition of our newsletter focuses on GPOBA's support to sanitation projects through output-based aid. According to the UN, the pre-2015 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targeting universal and improved access to sanitation was the one that fell the furthest from its target. GPOBA projects use innovative financing mechanisms to mobilize public and private financing to improve provision of infrastructure services to reach low-income communities. In this edition, we are highlighting one of our projects which is helping improve sanitation services for under-served communities in Bangladesh. This project demonstrates how RBF/OBA can be applied in certain contexts to work towards achieving the new SDG6
Webinar Discusses Blended Financing Experience in Bangladesh Sanitation 

On November 21, 2017, GPOBA organized a webinar on "Blended Finance Experiences with Bangladesh OBA Sanitation Microfinance Program, as part of the "Innovations in Finance" series. The discussion focused on the design of the project to leverage public and private financing to give more than 170,000 households in rural Bangladesh access to improved latrines, in support of the national government's goal of achieving universal access to sanitation facilities. 
Podcast on Bangladesh Sanitation

This podcast complements the webinar on "Blended Finance Experiences with Bangladesh OBA Sanitation Microfinance Program" held on Nov 21, 2017 and discusses how the World Bank is helping to mobilize private finance to adjust the challenges in sanitation in rural Bangladesh. 
 "Changing Behaviors for Better Health" 

Using the Bangladesh sanitation project as a case study, this blogpost explains the links between behavior change, improved health and improved access to sanitation.
Not All Toilets Look the Same: A Peek into Citywide Inclusive Sanitation on World Toilet Day

series of videos  produced by the World Bank presents "citywide inclusive sanitation," which describe context-specific solutions for providing toilets and the safe management of human waste along every point of the service chain. GPOBA supported the Metro Manila Waste and Sanitation project, highlighted in one of the videos, as an example of providing water and sanitation to one of the most densely populated urban areas.
What is a Toilet Worth?

This infographic published in 2013 by the World Bank, highlights the high economic, health and environmental cost of not having access to adequate sanitation facilities. 
Lessons Learned from Innovative Financing: Ghana Solar Home Systems

On November 30, 2017 GPOBA conducted a webinar discussion on the lessons learned from the Ghana Solar Home Systems project. This project provides a useful case study exploring how RBF can be used to maximize financing for development in renewable energy. 
"Leveraging Performance-Based Financing and Accountability for Local Governments"

This South-South Knowledge Exchange Workshop, held in New Delhi and Kolkata, brought together over fifty leaders, senior government functionaries, and international and national experts and policy analysts to consider and deliberate on selected performance-based financing and accountability improvement initiatives in the South Asia region in the larger context of global and regional decentralization. This report sums up the deliberations of the Workshop.   ( View related video 
Visit the RBF/OBA Community of Practice platform for additional information on output-based aid and results based financing. Exchange ideas, engage with practitioners and share knowledge. 

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