"Supporting the Delivery of Basic Services in Developing Countries"

OBA Connections 2017 / Vol. 4, #11
From the Head of GPOBA

GPOBA and the World Bank collaborated on a new report examining the use of results-based climate financing (RBCF), which was launched at the Innovate4Climate conference in Barcelona, where GPOBA's work was featured in two conference sessions. We also are launching a new RBF Climate Platform, a source of knowledge on climate finance and part of the vibrant RBF/OBA Community of Practice.  Finally, we invite you to participate in the June 6 webinar that will explore RBF as tool in climate change mitigation projects, to take part in the e-discussion on climate resilience and disaster risk management, and to contribute your ideas to this knowledge exchange.    

As always, your feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Catherine Commander O'Farrell
RBF/OBA as Part of Climate Finance 

As governments work to meet their countries' obligations under the Paris Agreement while also fulfilling UN Sustainable Goal 13 by 2030, RBF/OBA can be a tool to help meet both aims. GPOBA and the World Bank have demonstrated the use of RBF/OBA in climate change mitigation projects and there is great promise in further implementing this type of funding in development projects. Read more

World Bank Report on Results-Based Climate Financing

A new World Bank report,  to which GPOBA contributed, reviews 74 RBCF programs implemented in developing countries. This report details features of the funding, design and implementation of RBCF approaches, as well as findings that confirm the role of RBCF in optimizing resources to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement. 

New RBF Climate Platform

The RBF Climate platform within the RBF/OBA Community of Practice is now online, with the goal of facilitating knowledge-sharing and dialogue on the use of RBF instruments in the emerging climate agenda. By connecting, reviewing and sharing project examples, knowledge resources, and ideas among people interested in RBF and Climate Change agenda we are looking to foster a Community of Practitioners on RBCF.
"Innovations in Finance" Webinar Series, June 6

The next session of this webinar series will discuss the findings of a study that analyzed the landscape of RBCF activities, and aims to stimulate a dialogue on opportunities for developing results-based approaches across different climate-related sectors. Event info and registration.
Innovate4Climate Conference

GPOBA participated in the Innovate4Climate conference in Barcelona, May 22-25. GPOBA staff presented one of several World Bank Group initiatives in an information exchange session: "Targeting the poor and marginalized communities with climate-smart output-based approaches" as part of a technical dialogue on climate finance and carbon markets under the Paris Agreement. 
OBA/RBF Community of Practice

Visit the OBA/RBF Community of Practice platform for additional information on output-based aid and results based financing. Exchange ideas, engage with practitioners and share knowledge. More...
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