"Supporting the Delivery of Basic Services in Developing Countries"

OBA Connections 2017 / Vol. 4, #9
From the Head of GPOBA

This edition focuses on Gender Equality, one cornerstone of our donors’ agenda. For GPOBA, gender and women’s empowerment is frequently a feature and direct outcome of the work we do. We highlight interviews, infographics and range of other resources on girls and women in development, especially in energy and water, sanitation and hygiene. Our Special Features section showcases the ways in which GPOBA projects have contributed to making the lives of women better.

We are also pleased to share with you a new publication on Output-based Aid for Urban Transport based on a recent GPOBA study. Be certain to participate in our new webinar series "Innovations in Finance" highlighting RBF approaches; the first event is on Social Impact Bonds.

As always, your feedback and suggestions are welcome.    
Catherine Commander O'Farrell

Gender Equality and OBA 

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) take off where the Millennium Development Goals ended in 2015, and SDG Goal 5 is specifically dedicated to achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. This feature story describes how GPOBA has used OBA to meet donor efforts to achieve gender equality as a project outcome. 
Gender Impacts of GPOBA Pilot Projects

This note from 2011 presents a summary of the expected gender impacts of OBA projects by sector, an overview of how these effects are estimated in ongoing impact evaluations, and a list of the gender outcomes and impacts that are explicitly acknowledged in other OBA pilot projects.
Energy to Change Women's Lives in Africa

This video presents the results of a World Bank program to promote cleaner cook stoves and rural electrification in Senegal, integrating gender into energy planning and project design as women are included in the decision-making process.
Solar Power Energizes Women Entrepreneurs in Mali

The GPOBA hybrid energy project in Mali, using renewable energy and access to mini-grids, is a component of a larger World Bank project to bring electricity to Mali. This video shows how women entrepreneurs benefit from their finally obtaining access to electricity.   
Renewable and Affordable Energy: Agents of Social Change in Bangladesh

The World Bank's IDA and GPOBA have collaborated to help transform Bangladesh into the world's fastest growing market for solar home systems. In addition to replacing expensive fuels, solar power has become a tool of social change, empowering girls and women with increased educational and economic opportunities, while also making communities safer at night (video1). This green technology has also provided skilled jobs for women as technicians, as this AusAid-ILO video demonstrates (video2). 
GPOPA-supported Water Project "Maji Ni Maisha" 

Having access to drinking water and improved sanitation close to home allows women to participate in more productive activities.  This water project in Kenya has made a significant impact in these rural communities and the lives of women there.
Infographics on Girls and Women and Development 

This colorful and simple collection of eight infographics, well-documented with sources, are useful reminders to keep gender in mind when considering sustainable development (click on each one and scroll down to reveal additional information on the "back of the card.") 
The Case for Investing in Girls and Women

This set of a dozen postcards, as mini-infographics, advocate investing in projects with a gender specific lens in its promotion of 12 political, programmatic and financial investments. This infographic from UNICEF also illustrates facts and figures on "why investing in girls is the smartest investment." 
How to Narrow the Gender Gap and Achieve SDG5
This interview with Caren Grown, World Bank Sr. Director for Gender, discusses the inequality gap between men and women worldwide and efforts that must be undertaken by governments and the development community to narrow this breach and empower women to achieve SDG5 (including discussion of the World Bank's Gender Equality Strategy for 2016-23).   
Results-Based Solutions for Empowering Women and a Sustainable Society  

Part of achieving gender equality in development involves empowering women rather than make them mere end users of services, and one question faced by corporate leaders is how to better invest in opportunities that make this goal more achievable. In this article, results-based means are cited as one of the ways to more efficiently channel resources to evaluate these initiatives. 

Women Workers Tap the Sun to Light Up Home in Rural Bangladesh

One of GPOBA's most successful projects supports the provision of solar home systems to low-income households in Bangladesh, with the environmental, health and economic benefits that accompany renewable energy-- but also as a catalyst for employment and increased income for women. This addition to family revenue comes not from the savings involved by accessing this new technology but also by engaging female entrepreneurs as solar power contractors and technicians. 
Gender Roles in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

While women take the lead as promoters, educators and leaders of home and community-based sanitation practices, they are underrepresented in decision-making bodies on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) projects. This guide describes how WASH programs can be more gender inclusive in the planning and design process.
Integrating Gender Considerations into Energy Operations

This briefing note draws on recent experience within the World Bank and elsewhere in mainstreaming gender in energy projects, with specific examples of gender inclusion in the energy policy dialogue and project cycle.
Review of Gender-Inclusive WASH Projects

This WaterAid report on WASH inclusion features a project overview to eliminate barriers based on gender, as well as those of disability, poverty and HIV/AIDs. The publication, "Towards Inclusive WASH, can be downloaded in its entirety or by individual case study. A useful feature on thi9s platform is a resource library on gender. 
Database of OBA Education Projects

This database of 20 OBA education projects includes profiles of some that specifically target girls from the poorest families (see the World Bank's and DFID's efforts in Bangladesh and the Girls' Education Challenge Fund). 
Premiere: "Innovations in Finance" Webinar Series

The inaugural session of a new webinar series, scheduled for April 11 (10:00-11:00 am EDT) is "Social Impact Bonds: Addressing Gaps to Solving Social Issues;" this learning event will focus on impact bonds as a tool of results-based financing, tying financial returns and payments to social outcomes. More info
OBA and Urban Transport

The newest issue of OBApproaches describes the findings of a GPOBA-sponsored urban transport study to examine how OBA could be applied in this sector. Public transport is most often used to connect the poorest populations to jobs, education, and health services, and these systems in ever-expanding urban areas must be built in a safer, cleaner and more inclusive manner. 
OBA/RBF Community of Practice

Visit the OBA/RBF Community of Practice platform for additional information on output-based aid and results based financing. Exchange ideas, engage with practitioners and share knowledge. More...
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