Renewable Energy
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OBA Connections

Vol.6 #5
"Connecting people to improve lives" 
This edition of OBA Connections highlights GPOBA's supporting renewable energy projects as a viable alternative to connecting to the conventional grid. As the extension of the electricity grid into rural remote areas is costly, solar home systems, solar irrigation systems, solar-powered mini-grids and biogas projects have provided low-income households and small businesses to access to energy.
"Improving Access to Clean and Renewable Energy"

In an effort to achieve the sustainable development goal of achieving universal access to energy for all by 2030, GPOBA has supported renewable energy projects to reach to low-income communities. About half of GPOBA's subsidy volume in the energy sector has been committed to renewable energy projects, and some supported projects have even exceeded the original targets. Read more
"Bangladesh Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development – SHS Project"

Bangladesh's rural electrification initiative is a prime example of a successful implementation of results-based financing for a renewable and affordable energy project;  this publication describes the lessons learned in designing and applying RBF to provide solar power to marginalized communities. 
"Output-Based Aid in Mali Rural Electrification Hybrid System Project"

In 2013, the GPOBA approved a grant for $5 million targeting 12,000 poor households (~130,000 people) in rural, off-grid, remote areas without electricity -- with incentives to private operators to increase affordable access to low-income households. 
"Biogas Support Program in Nepal

GPOBA funded the installation 27,139 biogas plants in low-income households in Nepal as described in this Lessons Learned. More than 16,000 of these households included Dalits and Janajatis, which have been historically socially disadvantaged groups. 
"Decentralized Electricity for Universal Access in Bolivia"

This project exceeded its initial target, installing 7,700 solar home systems for low-income, rural households, schools, clinics and micro- and small enterprises, in addition to 5,705 Pico-PV systems for lighting and basic communication services for the poorest households. 
"OBA in Bangladesh: Solar Home Systems for Rural Households"

This publication  describes the unprecedented spread of solar home systems into rural Bangladesh, which has brought relief to this low-lying country prone to flooding and inaccessibility to the grid.
Clean Energy Improves Lives and Boost Business in Rural Bangladesh

GPOBA has supported the Bangladeshi's government initiative to expand electricity to rural areas through solar power, which has translated into extensive use of solar home systems, solar irrigation pumps, and solar mini-grids. 
Working Together to Increase Access to Renewable Energy in Bangladesh

This animation illustrates how the partnership between the World Bank and the Bangladesh government has successfully expanded (with supplemental GPOBA funding) access to clean and renewable energy in rural areas.
Solar Power Lights Up Rural Bolivia 

Bolivia is one of the world's most mountainous countries, making extensions of the electrical grid difficult and expensive. GPOBA has financed the provision of solar power to remote villages, households and schools that previously had no access to electricity. 
World Map of GPOBA Renewable & Clean Energy Subsidy Projects

This interactive map shows the countries and types of renewable/clean energy GPOBA has funded, along with the number of beneficiaries reached. Click on each country's circle for additional details of each project. Go to map.  
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