MAY 2020: RBF for Health Projects 
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The effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic are being felt throughout the world economy, exposing the limited capacity of many countries’ healthcare systems. A robust health sector that meets basic needs is more critical than ever and is directly linked to an economy’s well-being.

Those most harshly affected during a crisis are the poor, who suffer disproportionately greater disruptions in their attempt to survive, even under normal circumstances. GPRBA is committed to supporting low-income and vulnerable communities; especially during the COVID-19 crisis. We need to support recovery efforts to build resilience and sustainable, high-quality health care services for those most in need.

Helping Ugandan Mothers Realize Their Dream of Delivering a Healthy Baby

GPRBA Operations Officer Jessica Lopez describes her experience and reflections on the highly successful work to help pregnant women in Uganda have safe childbirths and reduce infant mortality. 
VIDEOBLOG: 3 Things You Need to Know about RBF

This videoblog explains how results-based financing has been successful in providing basic infrastructure and social services to low income households; some case studies are cited along with three basic things about this optional approach to development financing.   
VIDEO: Reproductive Health Vouchers in Uganda

GPRBA partnered with Marie Stopes International, the producers of this video, for the Uganda Reproductive Health Voucher project. 
VIDEO: Understanding the How and Why? 

HRITF features a video explaining the importance of evidence in RBF, highlighting its value for improved design, implementation, and learning. 
Providing Safe Delivery Services With Vouchers: The Reproductive Healthcare Voucher Project in Western and Southern Uganda 

This brief presents key lessons learned from GPRBA's maternal health project in Uganda, in which vouchers were introduced for the first time in a healthcare context in the World Bank’s Africa region. (This paper received first place in the "Smart Lessons Private Sector Participation in the Health Special Competition).
Lessons Learned: Uganda Reproductive Health Vouchers Scheme

This document discusses insights gathered at the conclusion of GPRBA's voucher scheme to bring maternal and other reproductive health services to rural communities in Uganda.  
GPRBA Operations in the Health Sector

While the number of health projects supported by GPRBA are few in number, they have served to demonstrate the effectiveness of RBF in certain contexts and help meet one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 
Health Results Innovation Trust Fund (HRITF)

This World Bank-administered trust fund's focus is to improve maternal and child health around the world using results-based financing.  Norad and DfID co-sponsor HRITF (also known as RBF Health), which was founded in 2007. 
More Choices for Women: Vouchers for Reproductive Health Services in Kenya and Uganda

This HRITF brief illustrates how voucher programs for safe motherhood services and management of sexually-transmitted diseases in Uganda and Kenya are helping improve health outcomes for the poor. 
Quick Reference Guide for RBF in the Times of COVID-19

The publication by Cordaid describes how RBF can be used to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, both to mitigate the spread of the virus and to maintain the availability and quality of health services. 
Visit the Results-Based Financing Community of Practice platform for additional information on output-based aid and results based financing. Exchange ideas, engage with practitioners and share knowledge.

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