Results Matters - End of Fiscal Year Review
June 2021
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 Project Updates
 A Vietnamese Deaf Girl's Story to Become a Teacher

This video illustrates an important outcome of GPRBA's support for primary school education for deaf children in Vietnam, as told by one of the teachers who also is hearing impaired.  
RBF Case Study on Uganda Maternal Health

The most recent publication of the RBF Case Study Series describes how GPRBA increased access to skilled and safe maternal health among low-income women in rural Uganda.  

Empowering Women and Combating Gender-Based Violence with RBF in Mozambique

GPRBA partnered with the World Bank's East  Africa Social Sustainability and Inclusion unit to organize this 3-day learning event (April 21-23, 2021). 
 From Our Partners
Resilience in Outcomes-Based Partnerships and Key Considerations for COVID-19 Recovery

GPRBA colleagues participated in the sixth session of UK Government Outcomes Lab "Engaging with Evidence" series on June 14 to discuss the role of RBF and impact bonds to support post-pandemic development efforts.  (Session presentation and video recording
Partnerships for Public Purpose

Brookings describes the "partnerships for public purpose" as the "new PPPs" and more inclusive for NGOs, non-profits, philanthropic agencies, or social enterprises -and cites impact bonds and outcome funds as key to foster these partnerships to support the delivery of social services and the recovery from COVID-19. 


RBF Research and Resources
Results-Based Financing Bibliography 

Now available on the GPRBA website is a compilation of literature published in the field of results-based financing between 2010 to 2020. It includes an initial collection of 205 published papers, journal articles and brief articles. If you have resources you think we should add to the database please send us an email to  
Self-Paced Course on Results-Based Financing 

Would you like to learn about results-based financing's basic concepts and principles? If so, take the online self-paced course "E-Learning on Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles."  
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