Blended Finance Issue
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OBA Connections

Vol.6 #6
"Connecting people to improve lives" 
"Maximizing Finance for Development Through RBF"

Given the significant financing gap to meet the needs of developing countries and achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, additional financing from the private sector is needed to help fill in the gap. RBF provides and innovative blended financing model that helps focus on providing services to low-income communities. 
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Maximizing Finance for Development for the Poor

This brief highlights blended finance as an RBF tool to unlock additional resources for development projects while ensuring that low-income communities benefit from these investments. 
Extending Access to Clean Energy for Low-Income Households in Rural Bangladesh

A GPOBA grant combined with microcredit finance from local partner organizations enhanced the affordability of clean energy technology for low-income consumers.
Expanding Hygienic Sanitation in Bangladesh With Microfinance

A well-developed microfinance sector and strong government support were critical for the roll-out of this GPOBA-funded project to provide improved sanitation in Bangladesh. 
Expanding Electrification to Low-income Households in Rural Ghana with Microfinance 

Local banks extended credit blended with concessional finance from the World Bank to low-income households for the acquisition, installation and maintenance of solar home systems, supplemented by a GPOBA grant  to help reduce up-front costs for these systems.
Building the Market for Urban Sanitation in Ghana

GPOBA provided a subsidy to reduce the up-front cost for toilets and stimulate demand, which in turn made it more attractive for financial institutions to enter this market. 
Kenya: Using Private Financing to Improve Water Services

This note describes efforts by the government of Kenya, the World Bank and other development partners to improve access to commercial finance for water and sanitation projects, within the context of sector reforms and innovative financing initiatives. 
New Approaches for Urban Sanitation in Sri Lanka

This video illustrates the GPOBA-supported improved sanitation pilot project in the Greater Colombo area. The innovative and low-cost models demonstrate RBF's application in a sanitation pilot for a densely populated area. 
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