"Supporting the Delivery of Basic Services in Developing Countries"

OBA Connections 2017 / Vol. 4, #8
From the Head of GPOBA

The second edition of OBA Connections for 2017 focuses on Independent Verification, a key component of the OBA approach, which integrates monitoring and quality control into the project cycle and provids accountability to donors and governments that their funds have been used for the intended purpose. Our special feature includes examples and useful resources on the methodologies and procedures (techniques) used by Independent verification Agents (IVA) in different types of RBF approaches covering projects supported by GPOBA, World Bank and other partners. 

We are also excited to announce our partnership with the World Bank PPP Knowledge Lab incorporating RBF concepts and resources into this global platform, demonstrating how RBF approaches can add value to large infrastructure investments in PPPs. As always your feedback and suggestions are welcome.   


Catherine Commander O'Farrell
Getting Results: Independent Verification in Output-Based Aid

This note discusses the verification process used by the OBA approach and presents projects in Indonesia and Kenya as examples to show how they are making innovative use of the verification mechanism. 
Supporting Independent Verification in Indonesia

GPOBA's technical assistance support to the Government of Indonesia has trained internal auditors to become IVAs to increase the government’s ability to verify outputs in investment projects. This project became GPOBA’s Inn-OBA-tions award recipient in 2016. Check out a related blog and a verification Handbook
IVAs Working to Prepare OBA Sanitation Projects in Nairobi 

In this project the role of IVAs was expanded to include critical baseline data collection that informed project structuring and made tracking progress toward indicators and outcomes during project implementation easier. 
Using technology to improve the cost-efficiency of results verification in Program-for-Results Financing (PforR) projects
A project funded through the Program-for-Result, the World Bank’s financing instrument which is a form of RBF linking disbursement to specific program results, incorporated mobile data collection in the verification process. This technology allowed for real time data collection and the capacity to access information and visualize where verification was taking place, and the ability to quickly catch errors before they became systematic.  
What have we learned about Payment by Results (PBR) programmes from verifying one?
This article written by the team verifying and evaluating DFID’s Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) program shares emerging findings from the evaluation team, highlighting lessons learned by the Suppliers, and sharing its suggestions for how to design future PBR programmes.
Developing effective M&E systems under Payment by Results programming
This paper discusses in detail the monitoring, verification and evaluation framework of the South Asia WASH project under DFID’s PBR Program.
Verification in results-based financing for health
This study looks at verification processes and practices to address the design and implementation needs of RBF projects in the health sector based on case studies from six countries: Afghanistan, Argentina, Burundi, Panama, Rwanda, and the UK.
New Knowledge Partner
GPOBA partners with World Bank PPP Knowledge Lab

GPOBA has joined the World Bank PPP Knowledge Lab incorporating RBF concepts and resources into this global platform, demonstrating how RBF approaches can add value to large infrastructure investments in PPPs.
OBA/RBF Community of Practice

Visit the OBA/RBF Community of Practice platform for additional information on output-based aid and results based financing. Exchange ideas, engage with practitioners and share knowledge. More...
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