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OBA Connections

Vol.6 #2
"Connecting people to improve lives" 
GPOBA celebrates its 15-year anniversary of providing innovative financing solutions that link funding to the achievement of verified results. GPOBA support provides access to basic services such as household connections to water supply and sanitation, electricity grid, health services, and improving solid waste management services for low-income communities that might otherwise go unserved. This edition features a look back at some of our projects and launches the "Voices on GPOBA" video series (see below) to document the success of results-based approaches.  
"Voices on GPOBA" 

Dr. Bertha Darteh from Ghana's Ministry of Urban Planning and Rural Development explains how a results-based approach served to attract service providers to bid for sanitation projects (scroll down to see video).
Partnership in Honduras: OBA for Water & Sanitation 

Through a results-based financing facility, GPOBA helped connect 87,000 low-income residents to water and sanitation services.  Beneficiaries, government officials, and non-governmental organization representatives describe the improvement in quality of life for the connected households. Watch video. 
GPOBA Brings Power to Kenya Informal Settlements  

Over 150,000 households in some of Kenya's poorest communities now have access to safe and legal connections to the electricity grid, thanks to a collaborative effort between GPOBA, the World Bank and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). Watch video.  
Improving Lives in Morocco: Extending Water and Sanitation Services to the Poor

The Moroccan government and the operators of water utilities in Casablanca, Tangiers and Meknes received a GPOBA grant for a pilot project to expand water and sanitation services using a results-based approach. As shown in the video, the project's success showed that this financing model could be applied nationwide. 
Natural Gas in Colombia: Connecting Poor Households 

This pilot program demonstrated a model that regional gas distribution companies could replicate throughout Colombia to speed access to piped natural gas. The project installed natural gas connections, gas stoves for over 34,000 poor households. Watch video.
Visit the RBF/OBA Community of Practice platform for additional information on output-based aid and results based financing. Exchange ideas, engage with practitioners and share knowledge. 

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