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OBA Connections 2016 / Vol. 4, #6
From the Head of GPOBA

This edition focuses on Climate Change recognizing the recent CoP22 meeting in Marrakech, Morocco. Climate Change is one of the most urgent issues of our time and mobilizing development finance is one part of the solution. Results-based financing (RBF) approaches are particularly well suited for climate change mitigation actions. Read on to learn more about how RBF provides one important tool to help meet the target of UN Sustainable Goal (SDG) 13, Climate Action through projects and actions to combat climate change and its impact. This issue provides special features on this topic, as well as related project highlights, news and publications. As always your feedback and suggestions are welcome.  

Catherine Commander O'Farrell
Special Features
Results-Based Climate Finance Approaches 

RBF approaches are particularly well suited for climate change mitigation and allow for achieving quantified targets defined under Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). GPOBA has focused on climate friendly initiatives and projects bringing clean energy through solar home systems (SHS), Solar PV, Biogas and other off-grid technologies in Armenia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Ghana, Nepal, and Nicaragua.
How can Cities Reach their Climate Goals? Here are 3 New Ideas from CoP22 

At CoP22, the World Bank highlighted three of its newest tools to help cities meet climate challenges. Cities are at the front lines of the climate change agenda as they are responsible for two-thirds of the world’s greenhouse emissions and 70 percent of energy consumption. More
GPOBA Supports Climate Friendly Energy in Philippines' Rural Areas

This new GPOBA project supports clean energy in the Philippines for those who have no access to the grid, making access to off-grid electrification such as SHS, affordable to the poor in unserved, rural and conflict affected areas using RBF. More
Moldova Biomass Heating and Energy Conservation Project

The award-winning project used certified carbon credits earned from energy savings and reduced greenhouse gas emissions to pay for investment in further energy-efficient measures, from the installation of 317 new and more efficient boilers in public buildings across Moldova, including schools, hospitals and community centers. More

Knowledge and Publication on RBF for Climate
From The Bottom up: How Small Power Producers and Mini-Grids Can Deliver Electrification and Renewable Energy in Africa
This guidebook shows how rural electrification and renewables can be combined in a win-win manner, and how small grids can be practically linked to big grids—including coverage of technical, regulatory, tariff, and carbon-credit issues. More
Lessons from Output-Based Aid for Leveraging Finance for Clean Energy
This publication shares lessons from OBA projects supporting clean energy initiatives leveraging the private sector and putting more focus on delivering sustainable services to low income consumers. More
Knowledge from GPOBA Projects in Renewable Energy

GPOBA produces OBAapproaches and Lessons Learned publication series presenting insights, design and implementation issues. Recently produced publications such as Biogas Support Program in NepalOutput-based Aid for Energy Access, Bangladesh Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development and more can be accessed on the GPOBA website
Recent News from Around the World on RBF and Climate
Channeling the Power of Results-based Action to Benefit the Climate

Highlights of how RBF mechanisms such as carbon credits, REDD+ and other advanced market commitments can and already have offered lucrative solutions for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. More
The Rise of Results-Based Climate Finance

Highlights of the World Bank initiative, Transformative Carbon Asset Facility (TCAF), a market-based platform for coalescing finance to support mitigation efforts in developing countries. More
How Results Based Financing is Spurring Solar Market Development in Tanzania

This article highlights how SNV, a not-for-profit international development organization based in Netherlands, is partnering with other organizations on a new initiative on solar solutions to access electricity. More
Renewable Energy Performance Platform Prescribes Innovative Solutions to Africa's Energy Deficit

A new platform, Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP), aims to mobilize private investment in renewable energy in Sub-Saharan Africa by addressing early-stage barriers to renewable energy project development through RBF. More
OBA/RBF Community of Practice
OBA/RBF Community of Practice

Visit the OBA/RBF Community of Practice platform for additional information on output-based aid and results based financing. Exchange ideas, engage with practitioners and share knowledge. More...
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