Results Matters - 2020 in Review
December  2020
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2020 in Review
Welcome to our latest newsletter highlighting some of our accomplishments from the 2020 calendar year. The past 12 months have been extraordinary in many ways. As the world faced the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has forced us all to change the way we work. GPRBA’s main commitment is to foster greater inclusion of disadvantaged individuals and groups so that no one is left behind, in our effort to help reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).   

GPRBA embarked on a comprehensive retrospective on how we have addressed development challenges through projects over the past 17 years. Drawing on some of these lessons, and tying them to current day challenges, GPRBA released a White Paper on Social Enterprises, that provides a framework to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We also recently launched a new multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) known as the Outcomes Fund. This MDTF will become part of an "umbrella fund" in line with recent World Bank trust fund reforms. This "umbrella" aims to increase efficiency in trust fund management to enable a more strategic approach for donors and the World Bank to partner and finance priorities promoting effectiveness and collaboration.

Many of our past year's achievements are documented in the resources below and on our website. We recently included a distribution list of GPRBA alumni. If you or anyone you know would like to join this list, please let us know.

As this year draws to a close, we would like to wish you Happy Holidays and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
 Projects Signed in 2020
Solid Waste Services for One Million Gazans

GPRBA has committed $3.25 million in supplemental funding to the Gaza Solid Waste Management Project, an ongoing World Bank initiative. 

Monrovia Solid Waste Management

GPRBA's $3.3 million subsidy in this World Bank project in Liberia is a critical intervention to make up for the unexpected shortfall due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Helping At-Risk Children Attend School in Ghana 

 To help Ghana's educational system cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, GPRBA worked with  the Global Partnership for Education to improve academic standards, training and re-integrate out-of-school students into the classroom.  
Solar Power to Benefit Half Million in Myanmar

GPRBA and ESMAP collaborated in this $3.45 million project to bring clean energy to 450,000 first-time electricity customers in rural Myanmar, GPRBA's first project in the country. 
Featured Blogs
New Fund for Improved Outcomes

The establishment of this "Outcomes Fund" will empower GPRBA to innovate using new avenues for results-based financing and help build the capacity of local markets to use similar funding solutions to drive improved outcomes.
IFC-GPRBA Partnership: Opening Possibilities

The IFC is not only a donor to GPRBA's operations but also a partner in designing and implementing projects. Read about some of the successful collaborative efforts to maximize private sector financing among often neglected communities.
Can Social Enterprises Help with Inclusive Recovery? 

This blog describes GPRBA's position on working with social enterprises to help governments provide humanitarian relief as well as provide basic services to the most vulnerable and marginalized communities. 

Electricity for 14,000 Solomon Islanders

GPRBA's second project in Oceania provided sustainable and affordable electricty connections to many who for the first time could access electricity in isolated rural households in this small nation spread over many islands.
Helping Ugandan Mothers Realize Their Dream of Delivering a Healthy Baby

GPRBA Operations Officer Jessica Lopez describes her experience and shares her reflections on the highly successful efforts to help expectant mothers have safe childbirths. 
3 Things You Need to Know about RBF

This videoblog explains the advantages of results-based financing vis-a-vis traditional development funding in three basic concepts, and highlights some examples of GPRBA's successful application of RBF.  
Latest Publications
GPRBA Annual Report 2020

Our Annual Report highlights the accomplishments of fiscal year 2020, a period during which  we focused on the role that RBF can play in responding to today’s most pressing development challenges such as, the COVID-19 pandemic; the challenge of moving the focus of RBF from outputs to outcomes; working in fragile and conflict situations; tackling climate change issues; the SDG focus on the “leave no one behind” principle; and using RBF to help close gender gaps.
Results-Based Financing Through Social Enterprises: A White Paper for the Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches, in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Development agencies are seeking to adjust their focus to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus and mitigate its negative ancillary effects. This publication addresses how RBF can be a solution to face funding challenges brought about by the pandemic and for its recovery. 
An Introduction to Outcome-Based Financing

This brochure details GPRBA’s recently launched Multi-Donor Trust Fund ("Outcomes Fund"), whose objective is to drive improved social, infrastructure, and environmental outcomes for poor and vulnerable populations. 

Solomon Islands Energy Case Study 

This case study is the second in GPRBA's series highlighting successful implementation of RBF. This example reviews financing the extension of access to electricity to low-income households in the Solomon Islands. 

Closing the Gender Gap in Multiple Sectors

GPRBA's Gender Toolkit series explores implementing RBF as a tool in projects focusing on closing the gender gap in efforts to mitigate climate change and gender-based violence, as well as in projects in the education, energy, water and urban sectors. 

PPPs in Land Administration

The World Bank's Land Unit and the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Fund co-authored this report with GPRBA, which examines the implementation of PPPs in land administration, along with options for the World Bank and development partners for financing and capacity building in this field. 

Bangladesh Sanitation Case Study 

GPRBA contributed to meeting the high demand for safe and improved hygienic sanitation by bringing within reach affordable and accessible household toilet facilities to over 776,000 low-income beneficiaries.  

RBF Research and Resources
Launch of GPRBA's RBF Bibliography  

A new feature in our website is a bibliography compiling literature published in the field of results-based financing between 2010 to 2020. It includes an initial collection of 205 published papers, journal articles and brief articles. If you have resources you think we should add to the database please send us an email to
Self-Paced Course on Results-Based Financing 

Would you like to learn about results-based financing's basic concepts and principles? If so, take the online self-paced course "E-Learning on Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles."  
Follow GPRBA on Social Media
Want to stay up-to-date with what is going on @GPRBA? Follow our new LinkedIn page for the latest updates on projects and beyond and follow hashtag #GPRBA on Twitter.
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