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OBA Connections

Vol.6 #4
"Connecting people to improve lives" 
GPOBA has garnered 15 years of experience in supporting pilot projects through results-based financing (RBF) in energy, water, sanitation, solid waste management, health and education --- and has applied some of the lessons learned for knowledge sharing about previous successes, as well as exploring their application in newer fields such as social impact bonds, blended finance and in coordination with the World Bank's "Program for Results." This edition of OBA Connections introduces our new elearning course on RBF and features other RBF learning tools -- such as webinars and online courses -- for development practitioners and project designers.
E-learning RBF Course Launched

GPOBA and the World Bank's Online Learning Campus now offer a new online course on "Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles." This self-paced course is an introduction to results-based financing and the role it plays in the delivery of infrastructure and services. 
New Teaching Videos on RBF in Solid Waste Management  

In this two-part online learning set "Results-Based Financing Delivers Innovative Municipal Solid Waste Management Solutions (Video 1, Video 2), you will learn how OBA/RBF can be applied to resolve the problem of waste collection and management.  
"RBF to Deliver Urban Sanitation Services”

Results-based financing for sanitation services has been key to providing improved hygienic living conditions in urban informal settlements. This teaching video describes how a project can be designed and implemented. 
Animated Video Introduces RBF Key Concepts

For a visual representation on how RBF and OBA differs from traditional development financing, watch this short animation that concisely explains how results-based approaches are a more effective option is certain contexts.   
Cleaner Towns in Nepal Through RBF 

GPOBA's most recent webinar discusses in depth our second pilot project in the solid waste management sector, and the various factors necessary for this project's success. As a follow-up to the webinar, listen to this podcast with the project's transaction adviser.  
Bangladesh Improved Sanitation Project 

One of the developing world's success stories in almost eliminating open-defecation in Bangladesh, and GPOBA's project to provide access to improved hygienic sanitation services is discussed in this insightful podcast. 
Solar Home Systems in Ghana 

Solar power is one of Sub-Saharan Africa best examples of renewable energy providing basic electricity off-grid services to small villages and rural areas. This webinar recording's discussion shows how this is one of GPOBA's success stories.
Audio Podcast on Social Impact Bonds 

GPOBA is exploring opportunities to support social impact bonds (SIBs), a type of results-based financing, to help resolve several social issues through private investors; this podcast provides an introduction to SIBs. 
Video and Report on Decentralization and Performance-Based Financing Workshop 

This South-South Knowledge Exchange, held in New Delhi and Kolkata, brought together over fifty leaders, senior government functionaries, and international and national experts and policy analysts to consider and deliberate on selected performance-based financing and accountability improvement initiatives in the South Asia region in the larger context of global and regional decentralization. This report sums up the deliberations of the sessions.  ( View related video ) . 
Visit the RBF/OBA Community of Practice platform for additional information on output-based aid and results based financing. Exchange ideas, engage with practitioners and share knowledge.

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