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Solid Waste Management

With rapid population growth and urbanization, municipal waste generation is expected to rise to 2.2 billion tonnes by 2025. One of the major obstacles to improving Solid Waste Management (SWM) in poor countries is the lack of sustainable financing.





OBA projects in the health sector are designed to support government commitments to improve the health status of poor populations and to create incentives for accessing health care.



Education is a critical tool for reducing poverty and inequality, and for driving development. However, an estimated 24 million children worldwide will never enter a classroom, and 250 million cannot read or write, although many have been to school. OBA projects in education can be designed to bridge the gap between the cost of providing quality education and the funds available.

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Climate Change

Without urgent action, it is estimated that the effects of climate change could push an additional 100 million people into poverty by 2030.



Globally, around 1.1 billion people live without access to electricity. Ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy by 2030 is one of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015. GPRBA supports the energy access goal using output-based approaches to service delivery for low-income communities through funding linked to actual results achieved.

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Team   Practice Manager Amsale Bumbaugh Operations Analyst Daniel Coila Operations Analyst Ibrahim Ali Khan       

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Annual Reports

Annual Reports

GPRBA's Annual Report provides highlights of all the different activities undertaken throughout the year, including the portfolio of Subsidy Projects, Technical Assistance Activities, and Dissemination Activities. In addition, it provides information on the strategic direction of the program and Financial status to the donors and other interested parties.