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Publication | 2017

Output-Based Aid for Urban Transport

Urban transport systems are crucial to economic and social development, and are particularly important for connecting poor populations to jobs, education, and health services. As the developing world rapidly urbanizes, there is an opportunity to build safer, cleaner, and more inclusive transport systems.

Publication | 2017

Decentralized Electricity for Universal Access in Bolivia

The GPOBA project, which was approved in 2007, built on the experience of the Infrastructure for Rural Transformation (IDTR) project. It was comprised of grants totaling $5.2 million to support the provision of electricity under the framework of the Government’s universal access strategy.

Publication | 2017

Uganda Grid-Based Output-Based Aid Project

The OBA facility supported provision of over 105,000 grid connections for poor households (525,000 residents) in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas, representing about 10 percent of new connections country-wide from 2013–2016.

The GPOBA grant, which was fully utilized four months before the closing date of June 2017, supported about 40,000 connections.

Publication | 2017

OBA in Infrastructure: The Experience So Far

Increasing access to basic infrastructure services is critical to reducing poverty and enabling poor and marginalized people to participate in and benefit from economic development.

Too often, however, the gap between the cost of the initial service connection and a user’s ability to pay for that connection prevents the poor from availing of basic services.

Publication | 2017

Innovations in Finance: Indonesia

In 2010 the World Bank approved a US$220 million loan for a Local Government and Decentralization project in Indonesia. The project aims to improve the accountability and reporting of the central government’s Specific Purpose Grants (DAK).

Publication | 2017

GPOBA Annual Report 2017

GPOBA was established in 2003 to explore output-based approaches to basic service provision. It is housed within the World Bank’s Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice (GSURR). Over its 14 years in operation, GPOBA has built a diverse portfolio of 48 subsidy projects in 28 countries and has supported numerous technical assistance and knowledge building activities.

Publication | 2017

Leveraging Performance-Based Financing and Accountability for Local Governments

A South-South Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Leveraging Performance-Based Financing and Accountability for Local Governments was held in New Delhi on 9 May 2017 and in Kolkata on 10-11 May 2017.

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Water and Sanitation

Globally, around 663 million people lack access to safe drinking water and 2.4 billion lack access to improved sanitation, such as a toilet or latrine. Ensuring access to water and sanitation for all by 2030 is one of the top priorities of the Sustainable Development Goals.



Information and communication technologies can help reduce poverty, boost economic growth, and improve accountability and governance. GPRBA support in this sector has been focused on increasing access to telecommunications services in remote and sparsely populated areas areas where connection has been extremely limited. GPRBA has provided support in Mongolia and Indonesia in the past.