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Publication | 2016

Paying for Performance: An Analysis of Output-Based Aid in Education

In 2014-2015, Results for Development Institute (R4D) conducted a scoping study on the potential for OBA in education for GPOBA.

Publication | 2015

Results-Based Financing for Water Service Providers in Kenya

The Water Services Trust Fund of Kenya (WSTF) is administering an output-based aid (OBA) program that provides financial incentives to water service providers to invest in rehabilitation and expansion of water and sanitation infrastructure.

Publication | 2016

Output-Based Aid in Education: What Have We Learned So Far?

OBA and other innovative forms of results-based financing (RBF) are still relatively new to the education sector, but emerging evidence suggests that OBA/RBF may be versatile tools for addressing issues of educational access, quality, and inequity. In 2015, GPOBA undertook a major study on the use and potential impact of OBA/RBF in education. 

Publication | 2016

Getting Results: Independent Verification in Output-Based Aid

As interest grows in results-based financing (RBF), the need for reliable verification systems intensifies. Independent verification is a key component of OBA, which links the disbursement of funds to achievement of verified results. This note discusses the verification process, and presents projects in Indonesia and Kenya that are making innovative use of the verification mechanism. 

Publication | 2016

Improving Rural Energy Access through Solar Home Systems in Ghana

In Ghana, where electricity grid access is relatively high for Sub-Saharan Africa, millions of people in small rural communities or on isolated islands cannot be reached through grid extension. A successful GPOBA project supported the purchase of solar home systems and PV lanterns for 16,500 households in remote, off-grid areas. 

Publication | 2016

Output-Based Aid at Work in Public-Private Partnerships

With development needs outstripping public sector capacity, private sector finance and expertise are becoming increasingly important. OBA and public-private partnerships (PPPs) are innovative mechanisms for leveraging private sector investment in development solutions. OBA can add value to a PPP by ensuring that private investment benefits poor populations.

Publication | 2016

Output-Based Aid for Energy Access

Globally, around 1.1 billion people live without access to electricity. Ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy by 2030 is one of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015. The Global Partnership on Output-based Aid (GPOBA) supports this energy access goal through the use of output-based approaches to service delivery.

Publication | 2016

Upper Secondary Education Enhancement Project in Vietnam

The Vietnamese government has made remarkable gains in improving education outcomes since the early 1990s. But disparities in educational attainment – particularly between income groups – remain. GPOBA’s first project in the education sector addressed persistent inequalities in learning outcomes, enrolling more than 8,000 low-income students and lowering dropout rates.

Publication | 2016

GPOBA Annual Report 2016

GPOBA’s achievements this year demonstrate the strong ongoing coordination between the operations and knowledge aspects of its work, which together aim to ensure that poor populations are included in development gains.

Publication | 2015

Infrastructure Verification Handbook: Good and Bad Illustration of Infrastructure

This handbook provides guidance for Indonesian National Government Internal Auditor (BPKP) team in the field on conducting the verification of outputs for the Government of Indonesia Specific Purpose Grants (DAK) infrastructure.