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Publication | 2010

Subsidizing Water Connections in Cameroon: How to Apply Output-Based Aid to an Affermage

The Cameroon water connection scheme that started in 2008 is the first GPOBA project to be implemented under an affermage contract. It is also the first subsidized water connection program in West Africa to be implemented through an output-based aid (OBA) mechanism.

Publication | 2010

Output-Based Aid: Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Development practitioners are acutely aware of the need to find more effective ways to improve basic living conditions for the poor, as traditional approaches of delivering public support have not always led to the intended results.

Publication | 2010

Output-Based Aid for Water Supply in Uganda: Increasing Access in Small Towns

In Uganda small private companies have been operating water supply systems since 2001. A pilot output-based aid (OBA) project is expanding this approach. The project is leveraging private sector finance and expertise to provide access to piped water for an estimated 45,000 people in small towns and rural growth centers while increasing efficiency and accountability in the use of funds.

Publication | 2010

Subventionner les raccordements aux réseaux d’adduction d’eau: Comment appliquer l’aide basée sur les résultats à l’affermage

Le programme camerounais de raccordement aux réseaux d’adduction d’eau lancé en 2008 est le premier projet du Partenariat mondial pour l’aide basée sur les résultats (GPOBA) mis en oeuvre en vertu d’un contrat d’affermage.

Publication | 2010

Ouganda : l’aide basée sur les résultats à l’appui de l’approvisionnement en eau

En Ouganda, de petites entreprises privées exploitent les réseaux d’approvisionnement en eau depuis 2001. Un projet pilote d’aide basée sur les résultats (OBA) s’efforce de développer cette approche.

Publication | 2010

Output-Based Aid in Water and Sanitation: The Experience So Far

Output-Based Aid (OBA) has been used since the early 2000s to deliver basic infrastructure and social services to the poor, typically through public-private partnerships.

Publication | 2010

Output-Based Aid for Sustainable Sanitation

Results-based financing (RBF) has emerged as an important new way of financing public services in general and basic services in particular. One type of RBF known as output-based aid (OBA) tends to be used to target subsidies for poor customers by providing service providers the incentives to serve areas of greatest need.

Publication | 2010

Output-Based Aid and Sustainable Sanitation

Output-Based Aid (OBA) ties the disbursement of public funding to the achievement of clearly specified results that directly support improved access to basic services. OBA has emerged as an important way to finance access to basic services, but experience with OBA approaches in the sanitation sector has remained limited and there have been mixed results.

Publication | 2010

GPOBA Annual Report 2010

GPOBA’s Annual Report 2010 reports that wider adoption of results-based financing instruments, such as output-based aid (OBA), is now in sight, thanks to a number of positive developments: 

Publication | 2010

Access to Finance in Output-Based Aid

The purpose of this working paper is to outline some of the key issues related to Access to Finance (A2F) in Output-Based Aid (OBA). OBA is a results-based financing approach which aims to improve delivery of basic infrastructure and social services to the poor through targeted public funding.