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Publication | 2003

Designing OBA When There is an Incumbent

This working paper aims to provide practical guidance to Government officials and others who are asked to design Output Based Aid (OBA) projects in situations in which there is an existing supplier.

Publication | 2009

Output-Based Aid in Armenia: Connecting Poor Urban Households to Gas Service

Gas-based heating offers a clean, efficient, low-cost heating solution for poor urban households in Armenia, a country with severe winters. But many low-income households cannot afford the cost of connecting to gas networks and heating facilities or the cost of heating equipment.

Publication | 2005

Techniques for Estimating the Fiscal Costs and Risks of Long-Term Output-Based Payments

Long-term commitments to make output-based payments for infrastructure can encourage private investors to provide socially valuable services. Making good decisions about such commitments is difficult, however, unless the government understands the fiscal costs and risks of possible commitments.

Publication | 2005

Credit Enhancing Output-based Aid

This working paper presents options for using World Bank guarantee instruments to enhance the creditworthiness of government output-based aid (OBA) OBA payments to an infrastructure service provider.

Publication | 2004

OBA Payment Mechanisms and Risk Mitigation

The paper attempts to put the observations made within Mozambique into a broader context, reflecting a wider range of payment mechanisms that have either been employed, or else could be considered, to transfer output-based aid (OBA) subsidies.

Publication | 2006

Regulation of Water and Sanitation Services: Getting Better Service to Poor People

Output-based aid (OBA) approaches to improving water and sanitation service can work in a variety of circumstances. Such OBA schemes require an understanding of the impact of existing regulatory arrangements have on water services to poor customers.

Publication | 2006

Connecting Residential Households to Natural Gas: An Economic & Financial Analysis

The natural gas market has changed considerably in Egypt the country has evolved as a major international gas exporter. Industrial customers in the domestic market are increasingly relying on natural gas to meet their energy needs. Natural gas is already used as a major source of energy and feedstock in the power, fertilizer, and petrochemicals sectors.

Publication | 2006

Lessons Learned in Infrastructure Services Provision: Reaching the Poor

A key measure of the effectiveness of public spending on infrastructure is the extent to which it benefits poor people. In recent years policymakers and development practitioners have increasingly sought to understand why earlier approaches to infrastructure development often bypassed the poor or proved unsustainable.

Publication | 2008

Output-based Aid in Cambodia: Getting Private Operators and Local Communities to Help Deliver Water to the Poor - The Experience to Date

The output-based aid (OBA) OBA pilot in small towns in Cambodia, funded by the World Bank, was one of the first OBA water supply pilots to be initiated.

Publication | 2007

GPOBA Annual Report 2007

GPOBA's first Annual Report, published in August 2007, gives an overview of the program's activities and objectives since its creation in 2003.