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Publication | 2020

How to Close Gender Gaps with Results-Based Financing in Education Projects

This report serves as a tool to project teams working on Results-Based Financing (RBF) projects in the education sector. It provides sector-specific entry points, key questions to consider, and sample objectives and indicators that can be used to consider how RBF can be used to close the gender gap.

Publication | 2020

How to Close Gender Gaps with Results-Based Financing in Water Projects

This report serves as a tool to project teams working on Results-Based Financing (RBF) projects in the water sector. It provides sector-specific entry points, key questions to consider, and sample objectives and indicators that can be used to consider how RBF can be used to close the gender gap.

Publication | 2020

How to Close Gender Gaps with Results-Based Financing in Energy Projects

This report serves as a tool to project teams working on Results-Based Financing (RBF) projects in the energy sector. It provides sector-specific entry points, key questions to consider, and sample objectives and indicators that can be used to consider how RBF can be used to close the gender gap.

News |

Sector Toolkits on How to Close Gender Gaps with Results-Based Financing

Photo: Visual News Associates / World Bank


GPRBA is actively seeking to ensure that the projects it supports include women as beneficiaries. GPRBA is also undertaking efforts to monitor and evaluate the outcomes to determine how to improve the inclusion of women and girls as project beneficiaries. 

Publication | 2020

How to Close Gender Gaps with Results-Based Financing in Urban Projects

This report serves as a tool to project teams working on Results-Based Financing (RBF) projects in the urban sector. It provides sector-specific entry points, key questions to consider, and sample objectives and indicators that can be used to consider how RBF can be used to close the gender gap.



GPRBA is actively seeking to ensure that the projects it supports include women as beneficiaries. GPRBA is also undertaking efforts to monitor and evaluate the outcomes to determine how to improve the inclusion of women and girls as project beneficiaries. 

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Video: Output-based Aid Subsidies Provide Sustainable Sanitation and Water Services in Nairobi

In Kenya, rapid urbanization has huge implications for water use and wastewater management in the country’s cities, which are already facing increasing water and sanitation demands, such as pollution and overexploitation.

Publication | 2020

Securing Land and Property Rights: Exploring the Scope for Results-Based Financing Approaches

While results-based approaches have been designed and successfully applied to several infrastructure and social sectors, there is almost no record of its being used regarding projects in the land sector.

Multimedia |

Infographic: West Bank and Gaza Real Estate Registration Project (Component "1")

This infograpic illustrates key features of GPRBA's role in the West Bank & Gaza Real Estate Registration Project, the first test case in applying results-based financing in the land administration sector.