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Delivering Results for Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Cities

Photo: Dominic Chavez / World Bank

Future growth and climate-resilient development requires action at the city level. It also requires new ways for financing infrastructure in less-developed urban communities.

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World Bank Hosts Impact Bonds Conference

Over 75 bilateral cooperation agencies, multilateral development institutions, and private foundations participated in third annual Impact Bonds Working Group (IBWG) held in Washington, DC at the World Bank (February 26-27) and co-organized by GPRBA. 

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10 Common Claims About Impact Bonds

This chart summarizes 10 of the common claims by impact bond proponents, as well as the evidence thus far.

A 2017 Brookings study reviewed each of these claims and found some of them more substantial while others had mixed results.

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SECO Talks Impact Bonds

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Enabel Talks Impact Bonds

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UBS Optimus Foundation Talks Impact Bonds

Publication | 2018

An Example of a Development Impact Bond (DIB): Educate Girls, India, 2015

Despite substantial commitments to education, India still has the largest illiterate population in the world. Nationally, an estimated 3.7 million girls are out of school and in Rajasthan, 40 percent of girls drop out before reaching fifth grade.

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Impact Bond Transaction

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What If We Paid for Outcomes?


Imagine if you could bring private sector resources and skills to social projects. Impact Bonds (IBs) are an innovative Results-Based Financing (RBF) mechanism that tie financial returns and payments to specific results incentivizing investors and service providers.

Publication | 2019

Are They Really Being Served? Assessing Effective Infrastructure Access and Quality in 15 Kenyan Cities

"This paper proposes a framework that examines three levels of access to infrastructure -- nominal, effective, and quality-adjusted access. Most conventional indicators measure nominal access --whether a household has physical access to a service in or near the house.