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Publication | 2019

Impact Bonds and Maximizing Finance for Development

This paper outlines the potential contributions of impact bonds to the World Bank Group’s Maximizing Finance for Development (MFD) approach. The MFD approach is in part a response by the World Bank Group to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

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Have you heard of impact bonds?

*/ /*-->*/ Impact bonds are innovative performance-bas

Publication | 2019

Bangladesh OBA Microfinance Sanitation Project - Evaluation Report

In 2009, a pilot project was initiated with support from the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program (WSP). This pilot aimed to leverage private sector resources and help poor households in rural areas access affordable, high-quality sanitation facilities from local businesses.

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Ghana Sanitation Project Exceeds Target by 17%

Ghana Sanitation Project Exceeds Target by 17% 

2019.06.13, Modern Ghana


"Mr George Asiedu, Project Coordinator of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project (GAMA-SWP) is advancing his reasons for additional funding to tackle the under-covered areas.

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Rural Zambia to Access Electricity in Project Scale-up

LUSAKA, June 11, 2019. The World Bank, acting as administrator for the Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA), signed a Grant Agreement on May 1, 2019 for US$3 million with Zambia’s Ministry of Finance to extend electricity to rural areas.

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Have you heard of impact bonds?

*/ /*-->*/  

Publication | 2018

West Bank and Gaza - Cleaner Cities with PPPs and Innovative Financing Approaches

In partnership with the World Bank and IFC, The Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA) provided a grant in the amount of $8.3 million, which incentivized local governments to improve both solid
waste services and revenue administration.

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RBF Forum 2019

GPRBA and the World Bank organized a knowledge sharing event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 15-17, 2019.  We brought together partners, clients and donors to the field in Ethiopia (where PforR projects are prominent) to get their perspective on RBF and see what’s on the pulse of other organizations in terms of RBF.

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Helping Farmers Combat Climate Change

GPRBA is supporting its first irrigation project, designed to help small-scale farmers stabilize production and to stave off the challenges of drought and excessive rainfall due to climate change.

Publication | 2019

New Perspectives on Results-Based Blended Finance for Cities: Innovative Finance Solutions for Climate-Smart Infrastructure

This report offers innovative ideas for cities and development partners to use their limited public funds and direct policy decisions to leverage private sector investments.