Biogas Support Program in Nepal
In 2006, the government of Nepal requested support from the World Bank and GPOBA to promote biogas plants in rural areas and enhance the sustainability of the energy sector. A GPOBA grant was approved with the objective of increasing the number of households sustainably using biogas plants under the government’s existing BSP IV program.
Output-Based Aid in Mali Rural Electrification Hybrid System Project
Electrification can be a significant driver for improving livelihoods in rural communities. In rural Mali, where more than 80 percent of the country's population lives, the electrification rate is only 15 percent.
OBApproaches for Solid Waste Management: Nepal and the West Bank
With rapid urbanization, population growth, and new economic activity, municipal solid waste is increasing at alarming rates, and is expected to almost triple in low and lower middle income countries by 2025. At the same time, solid waste management (SWM) systems in most developing countries are underfunded and suffer from a lack of planning.
Output-Based Aid in Fragile and Conflict Situations
Throughout the world, poverty is increasingly concentrated in countries and regions affected by fragility and conflict, which intensify already acute challenges to development. Fragility and conflict can range from persistent domestic or cross-border violence to vulnerability in the face of natural disasters or extreme weather events related to climate change, such as flooding or droughts.
Scaling Up Blended Financing of Water and Sanitation Investments in Kenya
This knowledge note looks at a series of interventions undertaken by the Government of Kenya with support from the World Bank and other development partners, to improve access to commercial finance in the water and sanitation sector.
GPOBA Annual Report 2015
The Annual Report for fiscal year 2015 (FY15) describes GPOBA’s efforts toward fulfilling its mandate to fund, design, demonstrate, and document OBA approaches to service delivery. During FY15, we balanced our ongoing commitment to deepening the impact of OBA in tested sectors with exploring the applicability of OBA in new sectors and environments.
Paying for Performance: An Analysis of Output-Based Aid in Education
In 2014-2015, Results for Development Institute (R4D) conducted a scoping study on the potential for OBA in education for GPOBA.
Results-Based Financing for Water Service Providers in Kenya
The Water Services Trust Fund of Kenya (WSTF) is administering an output-based aid (OBA) program that provides financial incentives to water service providers to invest in rehabilitation and expansion of water and sanitation infrastructure.
Output-Based Aid in Education: What Have We Learned So Far?
OBA and other innovative forms of results-based financing (RBF) are still relatively new to the education sector, but emerging evidence suggests that OBA/RBF may be versatile tools for addressing issues of educational access, quality, and inequity. In 2015, GPOBA undertook a major study on the use and potential impact of OBA/RBF in education.