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Video: Power for Kenya's Urban Poor

Image: Video Still from "Power for Kenya's Urban Poor"

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Green Energy Brings Power to Rural Bangladesh

World Bank/GPOBA grant to provide renewable energy to an additional million beneficiaries

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Healthier Cooking for Indonesian Families

Imagine cooking in a kitchen producing so much smoke, it causes chronic indoor air pollution.

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840,000 West Bank Residents to Benefit from Improved Solid Waste Management Services

Ramallah, September 2, 2013 – The World Bank, as administrator for the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA), announced the signing of an US$8.3 million grant agreement for a project to improve access to solid waste management services in the West Bank.

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Bangladesh Solar Irrigation: Reducing our Dependency on Fossil Fuels

GPOBA’s April 2 webinar on “Innovative Financing for Solar Irrigation Systems” brought together 40 renewable energy experts and World Bank staff to discuss the financial and technical aspects of transitioning from diesel-powered to solar-powered irrigation pumps in Bangladesh, as well as the effects on the country’s agriculture, environment, and management of water and energy r

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GPOBA supports extension of sanitation facilities in Accra's low-income areas

Accra, March 31, 2015 –  The World Bank, acting as administrator of the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) has signed a US$4.85 million grant agreement with the Government of Ghana to provide sustainable toilet facilities in low income areas of Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), Ghana’s largest metropolitan region.

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New Video Depicts Improved Lives in Honduras via Water and Sanitation

In Honduras, millions of people lack access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation services. Current public and private investment is not enough to provide the poor with access to these basic services.

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Uganda Maternal Health Program Scales Up

Photo: Dominic Chavez / World Bank

A highly successful pilot program to improve maternal health care for poor women is scaling up under a recent grant agreement signed by the World Bank Group -- acting as an administrator for the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) -- and the government of Uganda.

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Innovation in Results-Based Financing; Health, Energy, Water Win Awards


There is a lot of innovation from the World Bank Group in output-based aid, and the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) recently recognized six World Bank Group projects for outstanding innovation, collaboration and inclusion using output-based aid (OBA) or other forms of results-based financing (RBF).