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Bolivia Rural Electricity Project Wins Award

The Bolivia Decentralized Electricity for Rural Access project has won a team award from the World Bank's Latin America and the Caribbean Region. 
  The team was selected for its sustained dedication and success in achieving development results for poor households in Bolivia under very difficult conditions. 

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New Swedish Contribution to GPOBA

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has made a one-time contribution of SEK 65 million (approximately US$8.9 million) to the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) to support the program’s efforts to improve delivery of basic services to the poor in developing countries. 

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Ethiopia: Dealing with the “Last Mile” Paradox in Rural Electrification

Photo: Inga Afanasieva / World Bank


Here’s a conundrum: many poor households don’t have access to basic infrastructure services, such as energy or water and sanitation, even though:

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Nepal Biogas Project: First Payment Made for Increased Support to Nepal Biogas Program

News Release No. 2009/5

In Washington:
Cathy Russell, tel. (+1) 202 458 8124

In Kathmandu:
Rajib Upadhya, tel (+977 1) 4439571

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Maroc : Extension des services de l’eau aux pauvres dans les zones urbaines et rurales

Deux nouvelles études de cas en français et en anglais dans la série « OBApproaches » présentent la conception et les premiers résultats des pilotes d’aide basée sur les résultats dans le secteur de l’eau au Maroc.

L’Aide Basée sur les Résultats au Maroc (Partie 1) : Extension des services de l’eau aux pauvres dans les zones urbaines

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Morocco: Extending Water Service to the Poor in Urban and Rural Areas

Two new OBApproaches papers in English and French present the design and initial results of Morocco’s output-based aid (OBA) pilots in the water sector.

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India: GPOBA and Reliance Energy to help provide electricity connections for Mumbai slum dwellers

News Release No. 2009/4

In Washington:
Cathy Russell, tel. (+1) 202 458 8124

In New Delhi:
Sudip Mozumder, tel. (+91) 11 24617241: ext 210

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Natural Gas in Colombia: Connecting Poor Households

For Yarlis Miranda, a young woman living in the village of Repelón in Colombia’s Caribbean coastal area, cooking for her husband and six children used to be a heavy burden.

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Uganda First OBA Healthy Baby Born


On the morning of February 28, 2009, Jeninah Komugisha walked into the Angella Domiciliary Clinic in Kashari, Uganda expressing labor pains. She gave the midwives a “healthy baby” voucher and was immediately offered assistance.