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Kenya: World Bank grants US$4.3 million to extend water and sanitation services to 80,000 residents in Nairobi’s informal settlements

This project follows up on the Maji ni Maisha project that provides access to water for community groups.  A key difference is the important addition of sewerage services and sanitation facilities to informal settlements in the Nairobi area.

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GPOBA Inn-OBA-tions Awards Presented at 10th Anniversary Conference

GPOBA announced ten award-winning pilot projects at the conclusion of GPOBA’s 10th Anniversary two-day conference. GPOBA's Panel of Experts served as the committee to select the ten projects that best exemplified successful and innovative implementation of output-based aid, with potential replication and scaling up, as well as adding to the diversity of the portfolio.

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Bangladesh: Solar Home Systems Reach 2 Million Households

Image: Still from World Bank Video "Women Empowered by Solar Energy in Bangladesh"   In May 2010, GPOBA signed a Grant Agreement for $7.2 million of DFID funding to assist lower income rural households in Bangladesh gain access to this more affordable supply of electricity.

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Output-Based Aid for Urban Transport

Photo:  Dominic Chavez/World Bank

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A Year in Review: FY2017

GPOBA signed two grant agreements in FY2017, for a sanitation project in Bangladesh and an energy project in the Solomon Islands.

In Bangladesh, poor sanitation and open defecation practices -- along with its being one of the most densely populated countries in the world --  have placed it among the 15 countries with the most deaths due to diarrhea or pneumonia in 2013 (UNICEF 2

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Behavior Change


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PPPs and OBA


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Using OBA/RBF to improve gender equality


 “There is no great force for change, for peace, for justice and democracy, for inclusive economic growth than a world of empowered women.” - Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women