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Kenya: World Bank Grants US$11.8 Million to Provide 150,000 Residents With Water and Sanitation Connections

Nairobi, December 11, 2014  – The World Bank, acting as administrator for the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA), has signed a grant agreement with the Republic of Kenya approving funding of US$11.8 million to help expand access to water and sanitation in low-income urban areas.  This innovative, coordinated program is projected to reach 30,000 low-income urb

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GPOBA/World Bank report captures lessons in financing municipal solid waste

A new report on municipal solid waste management , sponsored by the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid, takes a look at results-based financing (RBF) in eight different  municipal solid waste (MSW) projects,  capturing new and important lessons for financing projects in this sector.

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Irrigation Study and Webinar Explore Using OBA/RBF

Access to irrigation is a challenge for small-scale farmers in developing countries, particularly when it comes to financing that access against future production.   On October 8, GPOBA featured a webinar with irrigation specialists from GPOBA, the World Bank, the IFC and the Water and Sanitation Program

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GPOBA, The World Bank and IFC; Lessons Learned in Conflict Situations

Lessons from a West Bank solid waste management project – supported by the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) -- were featured during a recent seminar at the World Bank Group (WBG) headquarters.

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Zambia: Sida Gives Additional $5.8 Million for Electricity Access

Washington, August 7, 2014 – The World Bank, acting as administrator for the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA), has received a supplemental contribution of US$5.8 million (SEK 38,500,000) from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) to extend electricity access to approximately 22,000 low-income households and 5,000 micro and small en

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World Bank/GPOBA grant extends electricity in Vanuatu

Port Vila, July 2, 2014 – The World Bank, acting as administrator for the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA), has signed an agreement with the Republic of Vanuatu to grant US$4,850,000 to provide on-grid electricity connections to nearly 22,000 low-income residents.

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Output-Based Aid brings development to the very poorest; Community of practice looks to the future

Large development projects too often fail to include the poorest citizens, and output-based aid (OBA) is one mechanism the World Bank Group is using to increase access to basic services like electricity, water, sanitation and education.

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Mali: US$5M Grant Agreement to Extend Electricity to 130,000 Low-income Rural Beneficiaries

GPOBA has agreed to provide a US$5.0 million grant to co-finance Mali's Rural Electrification Hybrid System Project, which aims to expand rural access to modern energy services and to increase renewable generation in target areas..