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Partnership in Honduras: Output-Based Aid for Water and Sanitation (8:20)

In Honduras, millions of people lack access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation services. Current public and private investment is not enough to provide the poor with access to these basic services.

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Development Financing for Results

This animated short illustrates how results-based financing differs from traditional development financing. 

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Bringing Electricity to Vanuatu's Poorest Families

GPOBA is working with the World Bank to help connect low-income households to the electrical grid. Vanuatu's rural population still has very limited access to electricity, affecting even moreso low-income families.

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Natural Gas in Colombia Connecting Poor Households (abridged version)

This video tells the story of a pilot project which has brought clean, affordable energy to over 34,000 poor households in Colombia. Natural gas is safer, less expensive, and less environmentally damaging than other cooking fuels, but the connection fees are often too high for low-income families.

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Maji Ni Maisha - Innovative Finance for Community Water Schemes in Kenya

The innovative Maji Ni Maisha ("Water is Life") project is increasing access to clean, reliable water supply for rural communities in Kenya using a blend of commercial finance and an output-based subsidy. By helping small community-based water providers access the financing they need, the project is improving existing water systems and connecting poor households to piped water supply.

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El Gas Natural en Colombia (version completa)