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Social Impact Bonds: Addressing Gaps to Solving Social Issues

Social Impact Bonds: Addressing Gaps to Solving Social Issues”, the first webinar in the series, will explore the financial instrument as a potential model that addresses weaknesses of traditional approaches in solving social issues, and some examples from implementation. As a RBF instrument, impact bonds tie financial returns and payments to social outcomes.

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Webinar: Achieving Transformational Change in Climate Change Mitigation Through Results-Based Financing

Achieving transformational change in climate change mitigation and adaptation requires a combination of enhanced international cooperation and trillions of “climate-smart” private investments, which in many cases will need to be channeled through blended public and multilateral financing schemes.

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Webinar: Blended Finance Experiences with Bangladesh OBA Sanitation Microfinance Program

The webinar will discuss the project in detail, examining how OBA is being used to maximize finance for development to address sanitation challenges in Bangladesh.

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E-Learning on Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles

E-Learning on Results-Based Financing Approaches: Key Concepts and Principles

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Innovations in Development Finance Webinar: Pay for Success in Solid Waste Management Results-Based Financing

This webinar will explore GPOBA’s Nepal Solid Waste project. With rapid urbanization, population growth, and new economic activity, municipal solid waste is increasing at alarming rates, and is expected to almost triple in low and lower middle income countries by 2025.

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Results-Based Financing to Deliver Urban Sanitation Services

This module, part of a Coursera course on "Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies". Inga Afanasieva, Infrastructure Specialist, at the World Bank, introduces the role that results-based financing approaches can play in meeting growing infrastructure and service challenges in the provision of urban sanitation.

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Instituting a Framework for Quality with Web-based Reporting Systems in Indonesia

Innovations related to the Indonesia’s Local Government Decentralization Project improved reporting and accountability of the government of Indonesia's intergovernmental transfer system for the infrastructure sector.