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Publication | 2021

Results-Based Financing for GBV and WE in Mozambique: Findings From a 3-Day Webinar and Roadmap for RBF Project Design and Implementation

This report presents key findings from a 3-day webinar on results-based financing (RBF) for the prevention of and response to gender-based violence (GBV) and women’s empowerment (WE), with the objective of guiding development partners in Mozambique on how to integrate results-based approaches in their operations.

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GPRBA at GoLab's Social Outcomes Conference 2021

As GPRBA explores expanding its activities with its new Outcomes Fund, GPRBA has recently partnered with the UK's Government Outcomes Lab (GoLab) in share insights in knowledge exchanges, among them the annual Social Outcomes Conference 2021 (SOC2021) held on September 9-10, 2021.

Publication | 2021

GPRBA Annual Report 2021

The Partnership broadened its mandate in 2019 to incorporate more flexible financing solutions beyond OBA, to keep up with the changing needs of our clients and to achieve greater impact. The name change to GPRBA marked this expansion.

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Philippines: National OBA Facility for the

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Resilience, recovery, and renegotiation: New insights into outcome-based partnerships in the wake of COVID-19

The global crisis sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic has provided new insight into the functionality and resilience of outcome-based financing (OBF) programs in the face of unforeseen circumstances, according to experts at the sixth session of the U.K.’s Government Outcomes Lab (GOLab) “

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Resilience in outcomes-based partnerships and key considerations for Covid-19 recovery

GPRBA participated in the sixth session of the U.K.'s Government Outcomes Lab "Engaging with Evidence" series to discuss the role of outcomes-based financing and impact bonds in building resilient services during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the recovery process.