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Vietnam: Helping 8,000 Poor Students Pursue Their Academic Dreams

From 2010 to 2013, the GPOBA: Vietnam Education Project provided tuition subsidies to more than 8,000 poor students to attend non-public upper secondary schools and professional secondary schools. Using an output-based aid approach, the project linked the payment of a tuition subsidy with student performance.

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Financing + Sustainability = The Future of Rural Water Systems

Access to clean water remains a struggle for many of the poorest households in rural areas. GPRBA collaborated with the World Bank in Tanzania to bring safe, clean water to 165 villages in the country by combining blended financing with emerging technologies including solar water pumps, pre-paid meters, chlorination and remote sensors.

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Uzbekistan: GPRBA's First Impact Bond to Increase Access to Preschool Education

Photo: Mirzobek Ibragimov / World Bank


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About 350,000 West Bank Properties Targeted for Legal Registration

Ramallah, November 6th. The World Bank, acting as administrator for the Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA), signed a Grant Agreement on November 6th for US$4.6 million with the Palestinian National Authority to improve access to registered land and property-related services.

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Local solutions for clean water access in rural Uganda

The Government of Uganda recently decentralized rural water supplies, awarding contracts to private operators. But a critical lack of local finance existed, and local operators needed capacity-building.

Publication | 2019

Lessons from West Bank Solid Waste Management

In the West Bank and Gaza, decades of conflict have led to underinvestment in solid-waste management. Hebron and Bethlehem, the poorest governorates in the West Bank and home to nearly one million people, generated 20 percent of the area’s total solid waste. In 2009, About 500 tons of waste produced daily were disposed of in unsanitary dumps, illegally abandoned, or burned.

Publication | 2019

GPRBA Annual Report FY2019

This is the first annual report published by GPRBA under its new identity, and presents the activities of fiscal year 2019.