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Publication | 2020

Solomon Islands Energy Access Program

This case study is part of a series prepared by the World Bank’s Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA). The objective is to highlight project components that have enabled GPRBA to successfully deploy Results-Based Finance (RBF) approaches for the provision of basic services to low-income communities, with efficiency, transparency, and accountability.

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A New Fund for Better Social, Environmental and Infrastructure Outcomes

Photo: Dominic Chavez / World Bank

Publication | 2020

How to Close Gender Gaps with Results-Based Financing in Climate Change Projects

This report serves as a tool to project teams working on Results-Based Financing (RBF) projects with a focus on combating climate change and its impact. It provides sector-specific entry points, key questions to consider, and sample objectives and indicators that can be used to consider how RBF can be used to close the gender gap.

Publication | 2020

How to Close Gender Gaps with Results-Based Financing in Gender-Based Violence

GBV is a global pandemic and a major public health problem. Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women is the most prevalent form of GBV.  Globally, it is estimated that about 1 in 3 women who have ever been in a relationship report that they have experienced some form of violence (e.g.

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Nearly 1 Million to Benefit from Upgraded Solid Waste Management Facilities in Gaza

WASHINGTON, November 23, 2020 — The Global Partnership for Results-Based Approaches (GPRBA) and the Partnership for Infrastructure Development Multi-Donor Trust Fund (PID-MDTF) for the West Bank and Gaza, and the Palestinian National Authority signed a grant agreement providing $3.25 million in additional financing to support the ongoing 

Publication | 2020

Public-Private Partnerships in Land Administration: Analytical and Operational Frameworks

This report "Public-Private Partnerships in Land Administration: Analytical and Operational Frameworks" comes one year after GPRBA's signing of the West Bank and Gaza Real Estate Registration program, its first project in land administration.  

Publication | 2020

An Introduction to Outcome-Based Financing

The US$2.5 trillion annual financing gap for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals necessitates that existing resources are used more effectively and that additional resources are mobilized.

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Redefining the possible: the IFC-GPRBA Partnership

Photo: Natalia Cieslik / World Bank

As much of the world develops at an increasingly rapid pace, some regions are lagging. Poverty is increasingly concentrated in places affected by fragility, conflict and violence.