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L’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement des populations défavorisées, une véritable priorité

Par Xavier Chauvot De Beauchêne, Spécialiste senior en eau et assainissement

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GPOBA and PPIAF Hold Joint Donor Meetings in Casablanca

"Still image from WB Video "Improving Lives in Morocco Extending Water and Sanitation"   Donors renewed their support for the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) and the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) at GPOBA and PPIAF’s first joint program council meetings in Casablanca.  The two programs also organized a worksh

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Uganda: Making Pregnancy Safer

According to a 2003 study, about 505 women die per 100,000 live births in Uganda because of lack of access to health service facilities and professional health care.

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World Water Day 2011: Water for Cities

A look at how output-based aid (OBA) is being used to help the urban poor access water services  The theme of World Water Day (WWD) 2011 is Water for Cities: Responding to the Urban Challenge. Now in its 18th year, WWD is an annual opportunity to remind all of us about an ongoing gl

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IFC newsletter highlights OBA's role in PPP initiatives

Output-based aid (OBA) is highlighted in the first issue of Handshake, the quarterly journal of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) on public-private partnerships (PPPs), as an approach supports PPPs by facilitating access to basic infrastructure and social services

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Bangladesh: More Low-income Rural Households to Benefit from Solar Home Systems

News Release No. 2011/01


In Washington:
Jacqueline Sibanda, tel. (+1) 202 458 2974

In Dhaka:
Mehrin A. Mahbub, tel. (+880) 2 815 9001

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Mexico to Pilot Output-Based Efficiency Investments in Water Utilities

  A new World Bank loan to strengthen water operators in Mexico will include a pilot program aimed at improving the efficiency of the more sophisticated utilities by basing payments on results.   The US$5 million output-based disbursement (OBD

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Microfinance Equity Funds and Output-based Aid Experts Launch Consultative Process on Access to Finance

Members of the Council of Microfinance Equity Funds (CMEF) and World Bank staff met on October 29 in Washington, DC to launch a consultative process on access to finance and output-based aid. The meeting was convened by the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) and facilitated by Dr.

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India: Dr. Water Changes Lives in Andhra Pradesh


Shyamala, a health educator

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Philippines: Water for the Poor

In 2007, the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) facility, a multi-donor trust fund administered by the World Bank provided Manila Water a grant of $2.8 million to expand its “Tubig Para sa Barangay” (TPSB) or Water for the Poor program in 45 urban poor communities.